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By Internet website visits of Latin and south American newspapers and magazines – Venezuela and Argentina - IT institutions hacking our and other computer systems many times, blocking the topic and message entering in forums ( Chicano, cantv, Apporrea, Redvenezolana.net, el-nacional.com etc. ) before the text is fully recorded which hundreds of hackings as examples listed on the below IP-data table.
It confirms that certain institutions and persons have an interest to block our information publishing on the international base of opinion of freedoms, real facts and forum rules.
We do not send any message without identification, no spam, no unsolicited Emails, no untrue information, no personal insults, all texts are documented with evidences, no political promotions, no political or social international registered propaganda, no rubbish texts, no other promotions or banner, no virus infected Mails etc.
We as a honest company and my selves with a well reputation and special honorary in China, informed all the time there net operators and others that they could contact us in a normal and professional way by Email, phone or fax, to request what they really want from us.
Until now we do not have any responses from them because they want NOT come in contact with us !
We DO NOT accept that condition and launched international legal actions against the known institutions and a separate lawsuit is being filed. The data control boards of the Thai, German and Chinese Governments are in charged with that international matter since two weeks.
Here there previously links of press releases :
http://www.brazzi... ontent/view/1419/49/
Los Verdes de Andalucia :: Ver tema - Controlada CIA el Internet ...
Controlada CIA el Internet en Sur America ? ... Por medio de la presente me dirijo
a ustedes como medio de comunicación nacional en Venezuela y en Alemania, ...
www.losverdesdeandalucia.org/ foro/viewtopic.php?t=1197&view=next - 26k - 17 Nov 2005
otro mas en Latin, Sur America, Espania, Tailandia, Chino
personales : http://www.mre.go... - http://noticias.r...
Below two blocks of spanish written text which are fully published with my name and address data of the press release links.
Por medio de la presente me dirijo a ustedes como medio de comunicación nacional en Venezuela y en Alemania, con el fin de que según mi punto de vista se transmita y publique información importante al público internacional que se refieren al Sr. A.R.A., uno politico persona en Venezuela, de y su vida familiar, y que me afectan directa y personalmente.
Es demasiado incomprensible y necesita una clara explicación, por qué una personalidad de la vida política internacional no reconoce públicamente haber proporcionado datos falsos en documentos internacionales ni haber reconocido públicamente la paternidad de L. Sólo por ocultar todo en lo posible.
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No entendimos ni madres... | |
Porque tendría que haber un voluntario para traducir esto, que no fuera el traductor "automático" , paso por hoy acabo de recordar un exámen y es "enough" para mi...
sí en castellano no suena a nada parecido a la cia y la internet....no suena digamos. | |
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