Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Juan Godoy (lordpoeta) - [U:lordpoeta]
Born in Santiago de Chile the 02/10/1951, Juan Godoy, as a self-taught artist, has been painting for several years, always meeting with unreserved approvals by the public.
He has staged several personal an joint-artist exhibitions and now his works are present in many collections, in switzerland and abroad.. His art-activity has been more and more intense since the early 80’s.
1980 Präsident eines Kunstwettbewerb, Italien
1989 Preis als Schriftsteller, Italien.
1991 Buch, "L´ultimo grido del ragno"
1992 Buch, "Il giorno dell´emigrazione"
1992 Dichter-Preis, Italien
1993 Dichter-Preis, Italien
1995 Buch, "Die vierte klasse ist vorbei".
Malerei, Italien, Frankreich, Schweiz.