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I just doesn´t want to be the black sheep of this place
I only want to meet you and be with you
But they don´t leave me because they think than i´m a black sheep
only because i don´t think like them.
But if i don´t thing like them,
why i will be here? why i will be with them?

now i can see i´m a black sheep
let´s run away of this place
i want to be far, far away from here
but you aren´t here you are in other place
you are in an other world.
you are with them, so, why you don´t leave me alone?
why are you still here, with me?

i can feel it, you aren´t a black sheep,
you are one more,
you only want to be with te world
your life doesn´t mean anything,
but that doesn´t mean than your life it´s all to me
so, leave me, leave me with mi thougts, so i can think about yourself, and miss you.

a black sheep is always alone,
but i have found my place and my people,
i am not alone, i´m with my´s friends.
this is my family, this is my home
i don´t want to be far away from here,
you doesn´t have a place here, you are a black sheep to me
you have to go to another place, because you are a black sheep.

Texto agregado el 06-04-2005, y leído por 137 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
24-04-2005 Me recuerda al hardcore....a Menor Threat o algo asi.....¿oveja negra andas solo?¿desprecias al resto de ovejas blancas? Yo no soy ni negra ni blanca apenas soy una mancha entre verde amarillo y roja .....y no tengo tus amigos....ellos nunca me han querido....soy demasiado extraña........ una squater lesbiana me llama cabeza cuadrada y luego quiere besarme y no entiende porque yo le aparto la cara......no me apetece nada la condicion y etiqueta revolucionaria...prefiero que la revolucion se haga con el corazón...y participen ...niños jovenes, mayores, y ancianos...tengan la condicion social que tengan...... silpivipiapa
06-04-2005 Que texto loco =) Pero mnuy interesante seria mejor que lo traduzcas asi todos los cuenteros podrian opinar mejor =) Melirra
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