Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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When the heart feels the need to caress the memories, the solitude doesn’t listen to the supplications of the soul and wants to make the impossible by go back the time, because my heart doesn’t resign to forget you.
I know that the distance has me being delirious, and not to have you with me slave of this love that not going to end never.
Sometimes, I wonder. Why did you silence heart? I don’t understand… We spend so much time together and ultimately we realized that this love went everlasting.
Every moment next to your memory is unique; it is as to live in the eternal brightness of the firmament.
But, if the nostalgia left in my essence your memory, though the heart tries to forget you doesn’t owe, doesn’t be able…
Today I know that it isn’t a madness to love you, it is the bigger happiness, because you are all, you are the perfect sleep, you are the only unconditional friend who with his friendship taught me to be reborn, your gave me this divine light that I needed, though much late I gave me account that loved you.
Because when more I want to remove you from my thought the supplications of the heart do not allow remove you of the soul.
Every moment stops me your memory because be thinking in you isn’t sufficient.
You presence does me lack, so many absence that to conceal it I cannot. I won’t resist that the time separates us with the distance, because nobody will fill the space that your departure left in my life.
Can I grapple to follow you wanting? Yes, it is unnecessary to try to forget you because, when I want to remove you of the soul my senses this is drown in crying and my heart won’t support the distance, this infinite distance that today separates us. Perhaps the time and the distance permit me to forget you, but it was absurd to think it, because my heart would not even try it.
I need to be with you, I need your presence, I need this courageous spirit, you do me lack you.
There isn’t in the distance nor memories that have final.
If I dared to say I love you, only I can tell you: I will remember you, I will wonder you, I will dream with you, I will need you and the essential thing I will love you all the time and for ever.
See you always, good luck…

Texto agregado el 01-04-2005, y leído por 173 visitantes. (0 votos)

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