Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / kitaro / * Innocent


Satan, you know where I lie
Gently I go, into that good night

All our lives get complicated
Search for pleasure's overrated
Never armed our souls
For what the future would hold
we were innocent

Angels, lend me your might
Forfeit all my lives to get just one right

All those colors long since faded
All our smiles are confiscated
Never were we told
that we'd be bought and sold
We were innocent

This prayer is for me tonight
This far down that line
Still ain't got it right

Oh and while confessions not yet stated
Our next sin is contemplated
Never did we know
What the future would hold
Or that we'd be bought and sold
We were innocent
We were innocent

Texto agregado el 30-03-2005, y leído por 125 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
30-03-2005 I liked the fact that you decided to address satan and not God, what you're telling him (or her) sounds genuine. serasverdad
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