Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / DarkFulgoreII / SADNESS


Make me believe
in a diferent world
where my destiny
doesn't be a broken heart.

Give me the power
to change the world
turn back the time
and leave me alone.

finding lights in the darkness
flashing on my mind
the wish of sadness death
and destruction to pride

thousand red eyes
cry a lot of blood tears
you're the only way
to love survive here.

Texto agregado el 19-03-2005, y leído por 95 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
04-09-2007 I liked it! eom
18-06-2005 El ingles le da un caché buenisimo!.... por cierto bastante bueno y tristongo... creo que me voy a suicidar!!! AAAAHHHHHHH ichtus
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