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"Fortunate Fool"

She's got it all figured out
She knows what everything's about
And when anybody doubts her,
Or sings songs without her
She's just so mmm

She knows the world is just her stage
And so she'll never misbehave
She gives thanks for what they gave her
Man, they practically made her
Into a mmm

She's the one that stumbles when she talks about
The seven foreign films that she's checked out
Such a fortunate fool
She's just too good to be true
She's such a fortunate fool
She's just so mmm

She's got it all figured out
She knows what everything's about
And when anybody doubts her
Or sings songs about her
She's just so mmm

She's the one that stumbles when she talks about it
So maybe we shouldn't talk about
Such a fortunate fool
She's just too good to be true
She's such a fortunate fool
She's just so mmm

Texto agregado el 16-02-2005, y leído por 137 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
04-11-2005 Jaja, that mmm sounds mmm, i wish i could hear it w/music, perhaps you on the voice. EnOff
17-02-2005 Things that gonna make you go mmmmmm... Desdentado_Daroca
16-02-2005 disculpa pero la expresión de nuestra interioridad latina no me permite comprender la intención de un poema escrito en ingles...si lo traduces tal vez demiurgo
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