Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Little Jimmy Brown thought he could fly.
He was sure he could fly, sure he could soar the sky and become friends with the stars.
Little Jimmy Brown stood on the roof of his house and closed his eyes.
He knew he could fly.

He couldn't fight it.
He thought he could, he was sure he could fight it, so he decided to look into death's intoxicating eyes.
Somehow, he found himself lost, looking for that doll, a smiling doll, made of human hair and bones, the keeper of his darkest secret.
The intense cold made him a victim of the engrossing feeling of freezing blood... freezing for her.
He struggled and tried to breathe, finding himself staring at the last drop of her sour essence, wanting to taste it.
He closed his eyes and searched for her last vein of mortality... she was taking over him... that was when he realized he was alredy
a part of her -cold, beautiful, dangerous- death.
He realized he couldn't fight it.
He will be missed.

Little Jimmy Brown thought he could fly.
He was sure he could fly, sure he could soar the sky and become friends with the stars.
Little Jimmy Brown stood on the roof of his house and closed his eyes.
He knew he could fly.
He couldn't.
He will be missed.

Texto agregado el 29-12-2004, y leído por 148 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
29-12-2004 I meant it wouldn`t, not I. zim
29-12-2004 How cold. It must have been quite a hit. I wouldn`t be as good in spanish, there`s something special about this languaje, but only if what`s written is as dark and lost, like Poe. xD Nice job. zim
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