Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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All I am is you,
I feel you,
your eyes..
your shadow..

All I know is your voice,
forsaking me,
all I fear is myself,
raping me,
stealing my light.
- I am you -

I was loved even when I numbed myself..

I'm fine without a drop of sanity
'cuz I gave unto you.

All I know is you,
your hypnotic power,
how you delight my senses.
All I posess is our storm.

You took over me,
with that morbid smile,
showing to me the truth..
uncovering hell
and despair.

Texto agregado el 29-12-2004, y leído por 115 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
27-06-2005 Inmortal... Fine Again, titulo que dice mucho. este me agrado mas que todos los que tienes, admiro tu talento. Buena Vibra. :D dark_queen
04-01-2005 A pesar de lo, como tu misma has dicho, "wannabe goth", que sí se muestra un poco en este texto, me gusta. me gusta la relación que tienes con el ritmo y la metáfora. Aasraloth
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