Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / justine3891 / \"I Am I\"


I am I
Do not change me
Condemn me
Nor put me down
Accept me for what I am
You may not agree with me but accept me
I am total in being
I have my faults
I have my guilt’s
But that is who I am
Surely I will never be
Allow me to be inhibited
Don’t pressure me into feeling what I do not feel
Accept me when I am flying high
As I accepted you when you were flying high
Don’t put me down
Nor make me feel unhappy about my out being
I am I
Accept it
Because I have

Texto agregado el 25-12-2004, y leído por 119 visitantes. (1 voto)

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