This is me
I don’t have to change for anyone but me
Talking about me won’t put me down
This is me
Saying untrue things or asking me to do something I don’t want to do will not intimidate me
This is me
Not everyone has to like me, that’s a fact
I’m not missing out, you are
Missing out on a great person and a great friend
This is me
What I do, I do for me and because I want to
This is me
And if you don’t like what you see, then TOO BAD!
You’re missing out not me!
Because this is me!
Texto agregado el 25-12-2004, y leído por 128
visitantes. (1 voto)
Lectores Opinan
Qué tantas explicaciones tenés que dar sobre vos misma?
Que problema tenés con vos misma?
What is the trouble with you? abulorio
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