Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / agua / Hope


Hope,Hope without soul, without spirit
I feel it going into my room so soft
Nothing is fine now
The world is going around me in front of my eyes
I don,t feel anything
I,m dying
What,s going on?

This would be my life without You
Don,t You listen at me?
It,s me
Where are You, Hope?
Where are You, Love?
Where have You gone?
I feel You now
You are here
I am alive
You are my life,
My Hope,
My Love.

Texto agregado el 26-06-2003, y leído por 273 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
03-10-2003 Pienso que en español te expresas mejor sincomas
26-07-2003 Im feel with you.. hugovich
26-06-2003 "The world is going around me in front my eyes", me parece lo mejor sobre todo porque en español no pegaría tan bien, saludos blanquita
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