Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / alice / Reasons why you shouldn´t fall inlove (unfinished)


I got a cold from being inlove
For kissing and dancing in the rain
For making love in the sea
And sleeping in the cold sand

I got fever
Reached temperatures
like never before
got very wet
got very hot
felt the cold swet dripping down my face
felt it sometimes warm

heard the wispers,
which hurt me the most

Texto agregado el 15-11-2004, y leído por 156 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
21-11-2007 me encanta, sobre todo el primer verso... es tan cierto. androlilith
15-11-2004 Me agrada, aunque prefiero lo que dice esa canción de Burt Bacharach y Elvis Costello: "I'll never fall in love again, What do you get when you kiss a girl? You get enough germs to catch pneumonia After you do, she'll never phone ya..." De todas maneras, muy bueno tu poema. SicFaciuntOmnes
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