Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / xXx_VANNYA_xXx / Eusforn Orygrem Blood Sanctuary


Weee I'm like so bored.. so i'm gonna write a pretty story!o.o the blood orchid thingy that bryan gave me!!!! YAAAYYY!
Have to fix..everything XD

Chapter 1
Glowing night

This was the last straw, Vannya couldn’t take it anymore. The elders, the Blood Orchid, were once again abusing their power. The Blood Orchid was a clan formed by the first vampires; they had control over the whole race. Everything they said was law. But of course, that meant nothing to him, just because he was a vampire it didn’t meant he was evil. Well, in a way.

“You have no reason to do this! Why do you keep hurting innocents!?” Unfortunetly this didn’t seem to have much of an effect on them.

“What makes you think we would ever tell you?I suggest you shut up and just do what we say and continue your pitiful dead life. We have never needed to tell some ordinary vampire the reasons dor our doings… and we’re not starting now.”


“Try to stop us!!!

He took his scythe out and started his transformation. His eyes changed color *add her changes to form and add his first pointless attack to one of the members of the caln*

"...And you think you will stop us with that Heh. idiot, want us to remind you that we are the first one... that we are the cause of your dead walk!!!

‘They are right I should stop, calm down Vannya! Think for a second!’

Blood Orchid: guards take this man and his followers out of this mansion right now!!!

It was now night, the argue had lead to nothing so now he and Agony needed to figure out what to do now. It didn't help much when you were dead either. You see, eventhough they are both vampires and they can both withstand the sun's light, they have nowhere to go. There was another tiny problem, with the discusion and all Vannya was no kicked out of most vampire places.

“What are supposed to do now?”

“Start all over. Like having kinda of a new 'life'.''

"Newsflash, we're dead."

Vannya muttered something that appeared to be 'it was just a figure of speech'.

Then a noise. There was a small noise coming from a bush.

"Hmm..? What was that?"

The noise got louder.

And there it was... a black blob. A really disgusting blob.

"Ew, What is that?!"

At first they thought it was an enemy, but the thing just stayed there doing nothing.

"Vannya, why don't you lookat it wh--", The blob.. thingy, had started shinning, to a point that the light was blinding. "AAH!"

That wasn't the end of it though, he couldn't even move a finger now.

'I-I cant move... ugh. What is this?'

"It seems is transforming into something... "

when vannya gets control of his body again and then started a fight with the misterious jello thing...

Vannya: hm now i get it...this thing can copy everything.
Agony: ''starts shooting'' wha???!!! itll absorb the bullets...
if weapons doesnt do anything than this will...''growls'',''starts transforming''
jello transforms at the same time
Vannya: this is getting interesting (if this creature copies every status of my body then he should know which are my weaknesses ok then now i know what ill do...)


//End of chapter 1.
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Texto agregado el 04-11-2004, y leído por 101 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
04-11-2004 I'll better wait for the next one... orlandoteran
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