Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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"The State- (of the Art)- Hood Pampering Party is a poli-tick-all endeavour that started with a chill and inclusive whatever. The approach has evolved towards one of awareness, responsibility, and respect between us, mainlanders, the natives islanders, as well as with the planet. The COVID 21 pandemic has accelerated what has been determined to be an intentional and well-weighted turn toward the offensive on vegan and cruelty-free platform. Look for u.s. everywhere. We love your island which is ours. We want to let you stay here if you stay calm and servicial as usual. Let's do this! It's the final solution!Love ya all, from Rincón to Ooh, ma, cow!

(Mass Gatherings, chapter 21)"

Hello, beyesian...
I'll settle for writing the antonym of the Fiction Genre
at this point. Any thoughts?


"When the newborns die of hunger and our youth are being inoculated with the most lethal virus: slavery [...]; when we [innocents] are used to murder innocent Koreans, it is not easy to give a speech. - Pedro Albizu Campos circa take a guess (first Puerto Rican to graduate Harvard Law School and notable human radiation labrat from my personal shithole). 1891-1965 

Texto agregado el 01-11-2020, y leído por 105 visitantes. (1 voto)

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