Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / meriodemi / Road Trip


Singing while life goes by,
places that were
Remembered and forgotten
New destinations
Exciting and enigmatic
My heart is on this ride
and with yours, it sings along
Nothing but what is next to come
And you by my side
Legs propped up
troubles falling behind
we'll stop when we want
to drink and to laugh
and make love by the road side
we'll stop life
if we want
we'll have each other
until our hearts are satisfied
Pointing us to a new destination
to go while singing
and crying
and laughing
and just being
with each other
while we leave the road we make

Texto agregado el 25-12-2019, y leído por 120 visitantes. (4 votos)

Lectores Opinan
26-12-2019 ¡the heart guide ever oll the roads! :) spirits
25-12-2019 Very beautiful, has a lot of feeling. my * 5 pastorga
25-12-2019 I find good aaah victorvac
25-12-2019 I know that writing in English is kind of difficult; however, you must pay attention to your grammar. I saw several errors in your text such as punctuation, fragments, and subjects and verbs agreements... Good trying! Keep working; you can improve. aguaysed
25-12-2019 should I leave a comment in english? kamel
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