We are laughing
We look at each other
nervous smiles fill our eyes
Hands stumbling
Hesitant to go farther
For a second we see our lives
And we are laughing
We are embracing each other
The red glow of the sun in the low sky
Hands are moving
Exploring the bodies of the lovers
I feel your life has become part of mine
Fingers softly feeling
Soft moans from you as they hover
You skin in my mouth becomes the sweetest high
There’s no stopping
Even as the night ends we wait for another
Your arching back falls in my arms as you tremble
I’m deep within you
Tearing your sanity apart
My fingers dig deep in you
You feel your mind slipping
I’m reaching for your heart
I hear my name in your sighs
But as with everything
The moment goes by
The last shake of your waist
The last flicker of light
In your laughing green eyes
As they look into mine
The moment is over
Yet we look at each other
Always laughing
Because never again
This will end in goodbye
Texto agregado el 23-09-2019, y leído por 65
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Lo siento, no se inglés, mi pregunta es la misma de Beto. Magda
Y traducido al castellano, ¿como sería? Abunayelma
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