Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / meriodemi / End of the night


Intoxicated by your look
at the end of the night
Drunk on your body
you feel so light
Light touching
you feel ready
this is right
I can hear what you like
in the screaming of your smile
but I'm not ready
Lost in the skin of your thighs
I lose my lips on your skin
on the shape of your breasts
by the electricity of your navel
My hands travel your legs
searching upwards
Your smiling eyes beg
and your tongue finds mine at last
My tongue is overloaded
I'm on another level
My hands fuse to your arching back
I'm inside you
beside you
I feel your breathing
You are screaming
silently screaming in my ear
Embracing me into you, pressing
And I'm laughing
or is it your laughter in my head?
Can't tell or don't want to
I'm fading to black
but I want us to be one
in this instant
I'm lost inside you
but i don't want a way back

Texto agregado el 14-05-2019, y leído por 69 visitantes. (0 votos)

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