I'm lost again
I'm sharing a drink
looking into those eyes
wanting to get closer
In the dream I can
but I'm snapped back
by reality
and that smile is far
Once again
I hazily find myself
looking into the alternate
this time
falling into an embrace
your smile framed
by rose petal flushed cheeks
Red flushed faces
as well as lips
and skin
into each other
But I'm back again
and the skin I can touch
but with sight
Eyes closed
back to the dream
it feels I can get here
on a whim
sadly aware
These images are not real
But once all I can hear
is the soft breathing in my ear
and my head is swimming
in your neck, your hair
and I feel the trembling
not sure who's
it doesn't matter
In my arms
it is you
I know this isn't real
So I say a silent goodbye
Sadness and fear
I open my eyes
And looking at me
you are still here
Texto agregado el 11-05-2019, y leído por 62
visitantes. (1 voto)
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