Every sense but touch, is numb
All emotions are running
Up and down with my hands
My fingers recording
The softness and the shapes
And the electricity of your skin
My reason tries to escape
Or maybe it already has
And that's when I try
To take back my senses
To find your eyes
And save me
Or condemn me for my offenses
I get a glimpse
And they laugh a quiet laugh
Letting me know
this is fine, this is us
in the moment
To forget the anxious shadow
And focus on your smile
It'll be here tomorrow
But this moment
This moment is now
Texto agregado el 04-05-2019, y leído por 74
visitantes. (1 voto)
Lectores Opinan
Hope the heck that come tomorrow...you have got back all five senses...and be just as sharp as an arrow...don't you go into long sentences...action you need or what consequences!!! za-lac-fay33
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