Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / meriodemi / Dreamers connection


The setting is a southern night
Surrounded by others
Nervous looks, but it feels right
like a time to discover
To lose them in the city lights
To find one another
Surrendering to the delight
Of ending up together
Of diving into those eyes
Eyes that will remember
Even as time ends the night
The connection of dreamers
Waiting for the next moonlight

Texto agregado el 04-05-2019, y leído por 76 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
26-12-2019 Your lines me remenber the blue moon, magic bewitched :) spirits
04-05-2019 Something will have the moon when its silver light is able to merge into a single essence the beating of two hearts and amalgamate the brightness of two looks. -ZEPOL
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