Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / alejandroeder / My Hero


Canción de Marcus Warner, cuya letra adapté con su permiso y que forma parte de mi libro. Marcus vive en la ciudad de Bath en Inglaterra, a quién le agradezco su gesto. La canción Original se llama:"Telescope"

My hero
(Against the mistreatment and discrimination in the world)

If I had wings to reach the sky
Would you see a brighter sky?
On the darkest nights, I cannot cope,
the rain makes me lose all hope

But when the light comes through the clouds
And the stormy earth is once again silenced
I think you will be my hero
to dry my tears and heart's release.

If I could look beyond the stars
Would you be there to guide my hand?
to heal the scars of my soul, of my body
and free myself from the ground I'm standing on

I need you here by my side
To laugh again when life goes dark
You know? your silence also becomes dark
Help me I need your voice to scream loudly

But when the light comes through the clouds
And the stormy earth is once again silenced
I think you will be my hero
to dry my tears and heart's release.

mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm

I need you here by my side
To laugh again when life goes dark
You know? your silence also becomes dark
Help me I need your voice to scream loudly

But when the light comes through the clouds
And the stormy earth is once again silenced
I think you will be my hero
to dry my tears and heart's release.


Texto agregado el 20-08-2018, y leído por 113 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
21-08-2018 Híjole !! Dame chance y al rato con mi diccionario te doy mi comentario. See you soon. Cinco aullidos yar-
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