Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / alejandroeder / Wiegala (Adaptación Gitana)


(Ilse Weber's poem adapted in the gypsy town)


Wiegala, wiegala, weier,
to gypsy sadly plays his accordion
Touch sadly among the green reeds.
The nightingale with its chest wounds
bleeds while it sings.

Wiegala, wiegala, weier,
a gypsy sadly plays his accordion.
Wiegala, wiegala, werne,
the gypsy knees the moon to heal her pain
on the darkness of the firmament,
from there, Sara the Kali, sad looks at the world

Wiegala, wiegala, werne,
the shuvanis kneaded
the moon to heal her pain.
Wiegala, wiegala, wille,
How silent is the world!
Not a single noise disturbs the peace,
you too, my little are, sleep.
Wiegala, wiegala, wille,
How silent is the world!

Wiegala, wiegala, werne,
And the world is silent,
while the little one sleeps
Wiegala, wiegala, werne
gypsy among the green reeds
does not stop crying
The shuvanis laments
Wiegala, wiegala, werne,
silence! Do not wake him up!
let it sleep bluish
This long night in my arms.

Texto agregado el 28-07-2018, y leído por 114 visitantes. (2 votos)

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