Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Close. To pink stuff. To red hearts. To gardens full of flowers. Close to butterflies in my stomach. To corny songs, corny poems, corny words. Close to love.
Then, you. And my dark soul started to show some light. And the purple and black hearts made sense being together. And that beautiful black rose... And those arms that, with a warm hug, awakened all the butterflies in my stomach, unreal at the beginning. And then, all those nice words that you use to describe me, and those songs that bring you to my mind every single second of the day. And "tres Doritos después" all of this that I don't want to stop feeling. Never. Thank you for so many smiles. For every single second you're not with me, because it makes me realize how important you are in my life, because I can't help missing you. For every single second that you're by my side, because it makes me long for them to last forever. For every thing you make me feel. I love you and I will do it until I stop breathing.

Texto agregado el 30-01-2018, y leído por 68 visitantes. (1 voto)

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