Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Julyyo / Water and Fire


The body is water of drowning desire,
still in preamble of a living birdcage,
in tears and more kisses of epiphany.

Body is burning fire of memories
of entire nights of non-rest between your hands,
we were the pyre of shames in the loving act.

Water and fire coexist inside me.

My flesh this time boils defenseless without you.

Published in anthology Contemporary Poetry Vol. 4 edited by Chaswal & Chaswal

Texto agregado el 28-01-2018, y leído por 59 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
28-01-2018 Tijelo je voda utapanja zelju, Jos uvijek u preambuli dnevni krletka, u suzama i vise poljubaca bogojavljenja. juancarlosiv
28-01-2018 Gori vatra sjećanja cijele noći od sobe-ostalo među ruke, Bili smo lomaču shames ljubavi na djelu. juancarlosiv
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