Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Everything she wanted was a reason to believe.
To believe again.
She was so afraid that wanted to disappear.
Let everything go.
Let her go herself.
She was really broken and each one of these pieces was breaking others.
She felt she had failed.
She failed to herself.
She had made a promise to herself and she was breaking it
So slowly. But so deeply.
It was this kind of cut that couldn't be healed
She couldn't even cry.
Crying was the only way she could use to heal herself.
And now, tears were the last thing that she could produce.
Hungry? That feeling stopped existing.
There was not hungry of food.
She was killing herself emotionally that the death started to be showed physically.
She failed to herself.
And there was no way to fix it.
She never found it.
She tried so hard.
She was so broken and she knew love could be an antidote.
Love was never found.
Not for her.
Not it the way she needed it .
She found a way that could probably help her get back to what she was.
But this love was never there.
This love just broke her in the most painful way.
She just wanted to disappear
There were unspoken screams inside her.
There could be just one capable to hear them.
But this one was never there to hear them.
Broken. Forgotten. Invisible. Dark. Sad. Alone. She.
He never understood that he was the only thing she needed.
It was not a need like when you need a person.
It was not the kind of egoist need.
It was just that she didn't feel alone when he was there.
She always saw it.
But he never did.
That made her get sad.
He became an important piece in her life.
A piece that started missing too fast
And she got broken
Because the only thing she was taking care of the most was the one killing her the worst possible way.
She knew it
She was afraid.
She didn't wanna go back to the same.
Not again
And that fear to go further, that fear of feeling like that came so fast that shattered the wall she had built to cover herself.
It was done.
Everything was done.
She was done.
And there was no escape.

Texto agregado el 20-01-2018, y leído por 70 visitantes. (1 voto)

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