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Texto hecho verso que es el articulo de opinion del cineasta y articulista David Trueba de EL País (del 31 de julio) titulado Sueñan los niños y que solo he reconfigurado en forma versificada sin añadir ni quitar palabra alguna, pero manipulando inevitablemente el énfasis de imagen a partir de la pausa natural que da el renglón en la lírica: porque vi que el texto en prosa se prestaba a ello y, coincidiendo con el tema del texto en sí, busco desvelar el verdadero supremacía sobre el ser humano de las imagenes…o algo así:

La fuga de El Chapo Guzmán
ha desatado
ese plumaje del periodismo
tan aficionado
al espectáculo.

Negada su extradición
a Estados Unidos,
era cuestión de tiempo
que el capo
encontrara una puerta
de salida
a la libertad

o esas formas
del privilegio carcelario
que te garantizan
manejar los hilos,
pero desde una oficina
del delito salvaguardada
por funcionarios del Estado.

La admiración general
tiende siempre
a postrarse
ante la audacia.

No faltaron los gráficos
con detalles de la ingeniería
del túnel,
como no faltan ahora,
sobre todo en México,
las especulaciones
y leyendas urbanas,
que hablan

de una liberación soterrada,
de un enfrentamiento entre clanes,
de suplantaciones de personalidad
y de mitos en la tierra
de los guerreros

y el patetismo sentimental,
que tan bien retrata
el cine
de Arturo Ripstein.

Faltaba la adaptación de Ridley Scott,
nueva apuesta
por la fotogenia del crimen,
que fascina
a quienes llevamos
esta vida mediocre
respetando las normas:

Nadie se detiene en esas películas
en el semáforo en ámbar;
ni rellena el parquímetro,
ni se sienta a completar
la declaración de la renta;
ni paga el IBI
ni tan siquiera avisa en casa
de que no irá a cenar.

Esta fascinación,
no se me ocurre
otra razón, explica
que abunden tantas películas
Pablo Escobar,
que va camino de ser
un Napoleón del siglo XX
si la historia del mundo
se midiera
al peso
de las películas dedicadas
a su personaje.

Todos sabemos
que la virtud
no renta,
pero confiábamos
en que la ficción
algún tiempo más
la esperanza de lo contrario.

El problema
es que nadie se atreverá
a contar la fuga
con la grosera impostura
en primer plano:

Donde ven audacia
lo que hay,
sobre todo,
es soborno.

No quedaría bien
para el relato
de acción ver
la pasmosa calma
con la que el protagonista
va a las duchas:

Se pasea,
Se cambia de chanclas
Y se pierde por el agujero,

Si antes
lo que nos cuentan
es cómo se paga
una tras otra
la mordida exigida;

Se engrasa el plan
con los billetes
que tuercen cualquier autoridad,
Y se excava
con una subcontrata
mejor pagada
que la del metro de la ciudad.

Es casi un relato
Una película
de burócratas del crimen.

Sería insoportable
para el espectador
que exige
hoy también lector de prensa.

Pero nadie la contará así,
Sino con ametralladoras
recortadas y subfusiles
sin límite de carga,
para que sueñen los niños.

Texto original:

Escudos humanos of consumer society social control (triangulated):

------Jack the Knife
------------Public Opinion
-----------------Individual Physio-terror of Opprobrium

Divide and conquer, but this time through the public and popular stoning model of the individual as a most serious political target (how could this not be considered as exactly that-a form of veiled political-social destruction of Jack the Knife’s most certainly political rivals and foes, in whatever way to his own spurious interests (money, ultimately, through higher forms of influence and control over the living human systems, on aggregate, that is money itself in terms of what people do with their bodies and energy, day in day out-and why, in their own minds and over time)?

So Jack, what he does is play psychologically the social essence of individuality itself-that is the truly physiological, bodily terror of the idea all human beings live under and regarding the dark apprehension for them of somehow not belonging to the human group and medium they depend on, even in their defiance towards or rejection of it.

And so in this way, Jack is able to effectively separate, isolate the single, human political target of Jack’s own power-insecurities from and in pitted opposition to the group itself, through the manipulation (generally, standardly) of fear, guilt and self-loathing in all of us.

Making his human shield the group itself, behind which Jack the Knife fortifies himself, ever onward towards the ultimate moral destruction (and or just social irrelevance) of the target individual,

Through opprobrium-based terror in public opinion itself, collectively but in each and every individual at their very moral, vital and bodily cores;

As shield that becomes hammer-and even a trash-compacter wall-that Jack the Knife might even subtly want you to in fact know he controls:

To infuriate,
To psychologically undermine
And demoralize even more

His rivals and in the ultimate subjection of the human, moral universe itself.

Behind just the permanent smiles on a human face, of usually people on TV.

¿Un Dorito?

The physiologically totemic in Oblvion (2013)


How many upper-level Empire State Buildings would need to actually be placed on planet Earth in the film Oblivion (2013), given the totemic substance of the psyche of the technician-maintenance clones that are all Jack Harper (Tom Cruise), each one overseeing a different sector (of at least a total of 52) into which the planet is administratively divided, and who are prevented from ever meeting each another or ever even knowing of the existence of their same selves in other parts of the planet?

Because the same individual in however many cloned versions, would require each one its own authentic replica of the real, upper-level tower of the Empire State Building,

If the same individuality as psyche is to totemcially relate-actually anchor itself around the same images as memories (dreams) and relative to the same place he once visited in a previous New York City of a former world,

And towards some form of replica souvenir, but real object he can physiologically project and articulate the images of his own sense of self on to, as in this way a real-but illusionary-living experience,

That to him must seem real, the only thing he really knows and that only through his physiology can he ever attain…

Totemic is also the nature of the relationship through just an image and a Texas-NASA accent, between the human-cloned technicians on Earth and a kind of Houston Control as space station just beyond the upper reaches of Earth’s atmosphere, and referred to in the film as Tet;

Totemic is in fact the relationship Jack Harper lives in with his female counter-part and wife, who becomes just a structural support-living stability and matrix, especially in her body and as a kind of mother-secretary (who also gives you a few problems some times, just to make it difficult for you-that actually keeps the sex alive, in the end);

But most important is the physiology of the totemic Jack Harper lives in internally, in regards to the images of his memory and the face, some times, of another woman as a underlying yearning in which he is actually more alive than in physical, real experience,

That becomes they key to his own physio-psychology of Orion and the permanent, fierce will to seek beyond what he sees and is in just his bodily experience,

That is actually the key to human effectiveness in a permanent physiology of aspiration as tension and makes him the kind of warrior-technician and rational fighter he is in the film as handy-man problem solver, and according exactly to the objectives and needs-through him-of his programmers and anthropological overseers,

Up in Tet that is Texas-NASA, and to the bitter, bitter end!

One tower for each sector and maintenance couple (Harper + the Vicka)


Anthropological Design in Oblivion (2013)
-Contingency is security within a context of permanent maintenance of planet Earth, over the extension of the at least 52 different sectors it is divided into and for the human individualities as maintenance technicians and crew. Thus the occurrence of contingency-events as problems to be resolved-becomes in itself a form of invigoration, making life more bearable for individuals, but always from the higher-tiered objectives of technical effectiveness through living Earth-level and crew member anthropology itself;

-Contingency is security is human physiology in its very invigoration as key factor to system progression as stability itself through time and very much as a form finally of continual crisis; and thus broader human structure as anthropological space is united at is very base and core with human, individual physiology.

-Contingency is security but only relative to some form of normality, and thus can only be understood according to ultimate technical designs through time and diachronically of the overall system; thus making the management of anthropology also some form of design and architecture of human, collective time itself, towards some form of progression as necessary technical-structural objective, purpose or resolution in whatever way preconceived or anticipated.

-Because stability is physiology anthropological time is actually physiological time, ultimately of the living collective itself-in its changes, evolution and natural progression necessarily to be conceptualized on aggregate; and thus will the evolution of aggregate human physiology also imply changes to how that physiology it to be invigorated (because physiological invigoration for human beings is systemic, anthropological stability).

-On planet Earth in Oblivion (2013) time for cloned maintance crew members is a semiotics in their minds of only about 5 years, and until clean-up operations have finished and they will reunite with the rest of humanity on Titan (a moon of Saturn) where their semiotics tells them the human race had found shelter from what was the destruction of living conditions on Earth; naturally it is to such semiotic logic in regards to the nature of their world that their physiologies have become dependent on through a likewise totemic relationship of human want, desire, hope and expectation (human physiology itself) with regards to specific conceptualizations, ideas and even images of said ideas as figments of the mind around which human physiology can structure itself, being metaphorically and by analogy semiotics as the skeletal structure; and physiology the actual muscle, organ and tissue mass;

Because the relationship between physiology and the semiotic is totemic, physio-totemic.

-Thus in addition to invigoration, other forms of pressure are also to be applied by Tet as overseer of anthropology on Earth of a likewise invasive nature on, over, into and through individual physiology,

As a form of harrying with regards to a sense of technical expertise, and the guilt in some crew members as permanent apprehension of not meeting the professional approval of the overseers-as always the fear, insecurity and self-loathing the individual is vulnerable to internally in his or her own sense of self with regards to the social and extrinsic norm;

And thus the morally-weighted, routine probing of the individual over the barrel so to speak of their own insecurity and fear, becomes a form of mild harassment and pressure, ultimately to be understood as just another form of physio-subjection through invigoration, in which the human organism is forced to react full force in its very physiology,

And thus is less of an anthro-systemic liability and risk, in that the individual has no time to think at higher meta and rational levels, and is physiologically absorbed in phsyio-contingency,

In a kind of living oblivion of physiological contention of strife and struggle, that is the greatest form of systemic anthropological stability.

Because in exactly such a context the self has no self outside of just the body, in almost complete living synchronicity,

Mind and body, and of the rational that is physiologically absorbed as no self at all in terms of self-awareness.

Anthropological administrators as overseers consider exactly this point the optimum state of living human, structural anthropology in its security as stability over time, precisely through the physiological individuality of living organisms as subjection through invigoration.


-So art the way -ZEPOL describes it becomes itself a form of strategic physiological contingency towards expenditure and then consumption of human "physio-energy" (around whatever totemic figure through whatever physio-semiotic interplay, finally) Da lo mismo except that art is a form of agreed upon "fiction", outside of and auxiliary to "real" experience; but the human physio-semiotics of the mind, how could that be "real" when it is itself a mental "cartoon world" through which individuals relate to social reality "on and before" interacting? And so what we are to understand by "real" in one sense is "only when there are consequences for others" because art is art because it has no consequences for others immediately nor politically, finally; and thus all individuals before they interact socially are to be conceptualized as really "artists" in exactly the same fears and internal dramas in their minds and internal physiological semiotics, but before they act in regards to other human beings and consequences-so people are really artists who are real because they are not artists (who in there physiological cognizance certainly are!).

-Connection between art and physio-terror of opprobrium (of the extrinsic made internal, in the individual!!!!)

-the efferent/afferent nature (both ways) of human individuality through physio-semiotic interplay and human physio-totemic.

-Billy Wilder Apartments for the people and a Hitchcock state of mind
All social dynamics create as of human physiology itself lattice-like structures of living human limitation and confinement which the individual has no choice to adapt to and in some we bear.

But societies in which individuality is not strong enough to retain its own intrinsic strength of individual entity in opposition to the extrinsic of social structure, will tend toward the filling of individual emptiness through the structure itself,

As power opportunities for some individuals over others, that becomes finally the substitution of power in its physio and semiotic exercise over others, for feeling itself;

As a kind of individuality of imposition, exclusively,

And my only way of knowing myself, when my foot is up your ass.
(When I know more than at any other time that I am me, through your subjection.)

Extrinsically defined individuality and a cultural physiology of violence to contain violence

Extrinsically defined individuality:
[IS]hollow individuality, empty of feeling
[IS]individuality that is not of and in itself, and can only be by acquiring;
[Becomes] predatory individuality because of hollowness, on the psychological plane that becomes a living physiology of latent, veiled aggression as imposition;
[IS] is perhaps the greatest embarrassment for the individual-the greatest of all impudence of the social impostor who hides a predatory phsyiology and Dorian Grey anti-civic, psychological modus operandi behind a consumer society banality of ice cream, smiles and the "seriousness" of hard work (to pay for the ice cream!)-and who would be crushed (and react with the greatest of hostility) if ever forced to openly confront themselves.
IS both product and simultaneously reinforcement of social structure itself:

And social physiology in regards to structural stability, is a physiology through an individuality of hollowness, making anthropological cornerstone in fact an empty vacuum-that guarantees permanent tension in the human universe to in fact fill itself (through violence as form structural containment of human aggression itself-by accommodating it!):

-The Banality at the center of industrialized, consumer society: to be held onto tightly and at the center of human experience, as counter weight to the hyper-violent nature of social structure formed through physio-extrinsic modes of individuality; which, like humor and to some extent, all societies have always used towards the necessary, practical diffusion of physiologically explosive, human violence,

Because Mickey Mouse is probably preferable to a rock-stick or pipe- on to the human skull (of whomever)

Banality because it is invigorated physiology;

Porque me apetece in the English language and cultural coordinates corresponds to banality-but banality is feel-good and is tolerated, encouraged even, in contemporary culture,

Although in a sense there is no language to express this from the standpoint of proper and English-language establishment culture-in its eminent sanction, eminently proclaimed and in all its demands of seriousness as imposed, extrinsic cannon (over the intangibles of individuality itself, of course):


ISBN-13: 978-0743262170
ISBN 0-586-05940-7
ISBN 0385474547
ISBN 0-87113-229-X
ISBN10: 0787628239

Physiological interdependence and the living systemic

Physiological Racial Repulsion
That my physio-mental aggression towards another based on perception of physical differences,

[Has more to do rather with]

The physio-terror of opprobrium I live in regarding my own group and my belonging to it, than with the person I am physio-immediately before and engaged with.

Contemplation of individual physical affliction
That my ability, ease of empathy and sincere desire to alleviate IS REALLY the relief I feel of being aligned physiologically in my perception with the physio-structural of culture itself and not at odds with it (the problem that is the affliction of others, especially as the result of violence that we are in our nature and feed off of, but the consequences of which we are at great pains to bear:

[Their suffering is thus]

My individual coincidence and integration in the semiotic and cultural lattice itself, for I feel exactly what physio-social structure demands of me, and I belong through this alignment in a way that is the exact opposite of my normal modus of relating to the group, as normally a form of vield but pitted opposition to it, tooth and nail and as a standard mechanism of individual definition in different degrees and variation of singular individuality in oppostion necessarily to the social-semiotic.

Plane that disappears into cloudless horizon-literally, physically into the blue as it moves further from you…

[Is the limitation of your visual perception]

And bears nothing and in no way at all on the plane’s physical reality.

Perversion model of individuality [VERSUS] human collective, through physio-terror of opprobrium mechanism.

[My transgression (taste for it)]

Is really more the for-me-crushing pressure of opprobrium itself and regards to what I am through my physio-integration (even as oppostion to it) with human collective.

Perversion model,
Fugitive Model
Adversary model
Apocalyptic-Genocide model
Non-conformist model
Punk model…

Are different degrees (and distortions, among others) of the same modus of individuality that defines itself with regard to human medium one depends on as really violently pitted oppostion to it, in a permanent effort to be in resistance to the demands of physio-sturctural, human medium (culture) itself. Violence begets violence, harbor no doubts about that-and the force of the human structural and anthropologic over individuality itself is the bedrock of human systemic stability (civilization); thus resentment and hatred of it is also universally experienced, being that physiological resistance and physio-antagonism of individuality versus the collective the true motor of historical anthropology-the very circumstances anthropology and the socially systemic founds itself on (quite logically) as system’s only real possible viability through time.

And the violence of anthropology in this structural sense, is the violence of human physiology itself.

Hawk’s inability to visually relate to (perceive) depth

[Is pigeons’ social modus]

Of compacting into tight groups (ever so more tightly the more physio-inmediate the hawk’s pressure is brought to bear on them), because herd formation that hides the individual in the group,

IS the hawk’s sensorial blind spot.

The characters’ semiotic understanding out on to and in regards to their world in Oblivion (2013), conversely determining their own understanding as well of themselves,

[Is the reversed instrumentalization]

Of their physiologies and very anthropology itself by Tet as real overseer-warden of life on Earth and always in regards to exclusively to its own technical objectives, forever masked in this way through a false sense of human, individual self.

And my sense of self BECOMES an instrument of dominance and control be others over me.

Your shortcomings as a son, are my failures as a father (Richard Harris, Gladiator (2000))

Another person’s inability to trust you can often point to their real designs in regards to you; that their not being able to trust you (when you put them in a situation and circumstances were they should) is quite probably the very reason you cannot trust them (initially).

(¡Besote, Piraña!)



Texto agregado el 01-08-2015, y leído por 112 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
01-08-2015 "El Chapo" escapo por el tunel de la complicidad y la mordida y salio por la puerta principal.Un Abrazo. gafer
01-08-2015 Excelente poema, para reflexionar. Lo que más me impacta, es precisamente el juego del periodismo. Pero no se le pueden pedir peras al olmo. siemprearena
01-08-2015 “… ese plumaje del periodismo tan aficionado al espectáculo” . Aclaro, no sólo los periodistas. Está inserto en el espíritu humano la atracción por el espectáculo. Desde las tragedias en el anfiteatro griego hasta las óperas modernas, el humano busca redimir sus emociones, hacer una catarsis válida e indolora en los espectáculos. Su escondida sed de violencia o de justicia se calma y se agota en las películas de guerra o de tragedias. No sólo los periodistas... -ZEPOL
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