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Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / alejandro_fernandez / Im scared...


Don't only practice your art,
but force your way into its secrets,
for it and knowledge
can raise men to the divine..
Ludwig van Beethoven

I'm scared ...
I dread to paint another cloudless accurate colors ...
They say that heaven where the angels fly was painted
with a watercolor carved from the ends of a rainbow ....
I renounce to seek the divine in the secrets of the soul ...
I immerse myself in the dark on the limitations of my own fears ...
I dread the invisibility of a small threshold where dreams are achieved ...
Nothing is eternal, not the memories that fade into the sunset ...
Neither dreams lost in the horizon of my sighs ...
Or incantations, spells and throwing our limitations, limit our dreams
because our lost dreams, only it takes is a long-cherished wish to wake ...
I believe in an infinite force greater than all , of which we are all part ...
How can we explain the wonderful things that we can do it through this wonderful force that creates everything ...
That the infinite God that I sometimes difficult to understand and that gives me the necessary daily strength to continue living under a sky that does not feel mine...

Texto agregado el 02-07-2015, y leído por 172 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
02-07-2015 ...me gustó. naves
02-07-2015 Que lástima, tenía tantas ganas de leerlo. Siempre me atrae tanto lo que está escrito en inglés, chino o japonés!!! jdp
02-07-2015 I actually like your words... I think they compose a wonderful world, yours, where it is possible to find something that I can´t exactly define... for, I can say they are poetry... or a tale... or an essay... anything... gandhibleu
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