Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Cepheuz / From Desolation to bliss, thats my next trip


From Desolation to bliss, that's my next trip
I break the chains i'll claim my change

Today starts my trip, next day i'll make a leap
the monkey left my back, got tired of me not looking back

Yesterday i was a mess, the day before agreed
silly me thinking that was my place, can't remember what i was doing there

tomorrow smiles for me, gosh everyone will looks at me
Cute as a button, bright as the Dawn, giddy in my sleep, no one brings me down

Tonny 4/29/2015
Dedicated to Nora, whom i love.

Texto agregado el 29-04-2015, y leído por 77 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
30-04-2015 También traduje en el computador, aunque todos sabemos que se pierde bastante el sentido, igual me di cuenta que era un bello y positivo poema. jdp
30-04-2015 What do you say ?.Un Abrazo. gafer
29-04-2015 No hablo inglés pero gracias a la tecnología he traducido tu poema y me ha gustado mucho . autumn_cedar
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