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El hombre-masa cree que la civilización en que ha nacido y que usa es tan espontánea y primigenia como la naturaleza, e "ipso facto" se convierte en primitivo...(José Ortega y Gasset, La Rebelión de las masas (1929))

From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: contact.us@blackrock.com
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Subject: Las palabras que me espetara dios
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 13:54:27 +0000

Now you must have a logical understanding of yourself,
Because you are-almost as if a curse-in fact rational;
And your physiology goes far ahead of your rationality,
Because even your rationality is itself physiological
(Though you would seek to deny this for well do I know what you really are…)

So it is that you must be in possession of some form of rational conceptualization as mediation of your own physio-self.

And so you either forge this logical narrative,
Or I’ll impose it on you
Like I have always done as of agriculture and over the millenniums,
In all cultures-in one way or another as the curse itself that is your anthrodependence,

Under the empire of human physio violence
As your true life blood.

Because "you suck"-dear child-in just your physiology,
And non-circumspect, vital fury:

Particularly in regards to collective social, anthropological structure
And how you treat your fellow human beings…

Y fue entonces en ese silencio final, inmediato y repentino que sopesara mis opciones y decidí por lo primero-claramente-y me puse a la tarea de una “físio” violencia propia y vital mía-de una imposición lógica como en realidad desafío, “diente y uña” y hasta el final porque la voz humana perdure a pesar de todo y en el presente vivo y fisiológico que soy, en mi persona, yo:



From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: investor.relations@ahold.com; cfi.digitalcrime@interpol.int; washington.field@ic.fbi.gov
CC: investor.relations@kellogg.com; info@utzsnacks.com; investor@pepsico.com; contact.us@blackrock.com; info@americancapital.com; ajam.privacy@aljazeera.net; editors@yesmagazine.org; letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au; lettertoed@thestar.ca; fondazione@fondazionecorriere.it; defensor@elpais.es; admin@democracynow.org; spiegel@spiegel.de; editor-in-chief@y-i.co.il; legal@firstlook.org; kingc@washpost.com; abo@lemonde.fr; abo@monde-diplomatique.fr; letters@latimes.com; editors@prospect.org; letters@charleskrauthammer.com; letters@csmonitor.com; letters@economist.com; letters@guardian.co.uk; letters@nytimes.com; letters@washpost.com; mapweb@map.co.ma; letters@tnr.com; opinion@elperiodico.com; redaccion@lavanguardia.es; press@thenation.com; letters@scmp.com; states.attorney@montgomerycountymd.gov; attorney.general@state.de.us
Subject: Thomas Mann
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 16:08:02 +0000


So Dad,
"Economies of scale through finally ideas of scale in the minds of people" implies a kind of indictment of late American capitalism as human, anthropological space, given that individuality comes to acquire more of a fixed, cliché-ed and structural nature (of just the semiotic finally, and not higher modes of intellectual, physio-rational vitality),

Because in America its always only ever been about the survival of a structure and system, and not really in regards to individuality self;

Because in America people really don't care for people-don't really enjoy the company of others, whereas in other anthropological contexts work or whatever you did for money was a necessary toll to be paid toward the more important matters of life (that of course can only really imply the social, psycho-affective integration in some way with others and not just (potential) clients...)

And individuality was at most a matter of how you positioned yourself with regards to that system, nothing more-as close to the top as you could get and were able to settle with being bought off at.

So you see, there really was such a psychiatric entity as conceptualization of the specifically American Psycho that rested surely at its core on an originally Protestant and Calvinistic hatred for the bodily itself as only road to the open-armed, man-love of God himself....

And that tight ass!!!!



[Image (original): Face(partial) of actor Christian Bale; tie and suit and sterling gleam of large butcher knife in his hand(American Psycho(2000))]

From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: information@afi.com

CC: info@sterlinginfosystems.com; rhowell@kroll.com; privacy@hillardheintze.com; copyright@americanbar.org; states.attorney@montgomerycountymd.gov; attorney.general@state.de.us
Subject: Bringing on the new messiah?
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 13:12:47 +0000


The Implementation Game meditation and the initial falsity of some parties' positions
Because they seek above all to avoid public, morally weighted resistance to their real and initially undeclared interests of control (ultimately).

And so they set out from public positions that are the exact and extreme opposite as a veiled way to begin to move towards the consolidation finally and on the other, far side of what were always their true strategies of consecution to power and political control (financial, economic dominance-ultimately).

Because the toilet thinker knows economies of scale come in the end only through ideas of scale in the minds of the human, mass consumer,

And ideas that are not popular, easily understood or pleasant, must necessarily be held at bay-in the offings necessarily, if they cannot be definitively buried and forgotten-even if said ideas are right, correct and in some way more precise-exact and coherent, ultimately,

Because the market is always right went the joke (when it was in fact an ironic play on words, conceptually and not the literal, gospel truth of today)-because mass demographic volume towards the financial amassing of capital can only come through correspondingly scaled mental, intellectual truisms, essentially, and a semiotics ultimately of the cliché and common place,

Otherwise, they’ll end up opposing you tooth and nail and just out of spite, to the bitter, bitter end…

And toilet thinker because what is this but the greater and greater accumulation of liquid volumen and mass, to push the greatest amount of human feces technically achievable through a structural underground of pipes, channels and final sewage run off?

Case in point
In regards to the connection of individuals to an American semiotics of scale that is the audio-visual and entertainment industries-but specifically television-one must approach all issues great and small between different actors, players and interests from the standpoint first and foremost of television advertising itself, through intial intellectual postulations as enquiries such as the following:

How do all these entities-public and private and in their consortiums and alliances-actually relate to TV advertising, despite what in fact they may say in regards to seemingly loftier ideas, images and narratives of the free-market, founding fathers, justice-progress-or consumer satisfaction?

And know that once you have decided to ascend to the summit of an understanding as wisdom concerning the ways of power and the Big Corporate Master’s of the American Universe through the spell-bound, just phsysio-individuality of the consumer;

When you have finally reached that peak-at the very pinnacle of enlightment and after the struggle to be that you have endured in your climb and that has in fact made you something you were not before (perhaps in some way greater surely as a human being),

You’ll suddenly find yourself then in that precise moment irrevocably (an instant and revelation as what they call Nirvana) in the corporate headquarters of the National Football League (NFL)- or in the office facilities of their lawyers and owners:


(Alec Leamas)

http://www.amazon.com/The-Implementation-Game-American-POlitics/dp/026 2520494
http://www.wsj.com/articles/use-of-taxpayer-money-for-pro-sports-arenas-draws-fresh-scrutin y-1425856677

From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: investor.relations@ahold.com; attorney.general@state.de.us; states.attorney@montgomerycountymd.gov
CC: dsrogers@stanford.edu; akbar@american.edu; johnkelly@uchicago.edu; knorr@uchicago.edu; a-kolata@uchicago.edu; jmasco@uchicago.edu; mazzarel@uchicago.edu; morrison@uchicago.edu; cnakassi@uchicago.edu; agarwal@berkeley.edu; dood@berkeley.edu; berreman@sscl.berkeley.edu; hagrama@uchicago.edu; brandes@berkeley.edu; clbriggs@berkeley.edu; cohen@berkeley.edu; colson@sscl.berkeley.edu; meg@berkeley.edu; deacon@berkeley.edu; dolhinow@comcast.net; etting@berkeley.edu; mcf@berkeley.edu; gumperz@edstar.ucsb.edu; juliechu@uchicago.edu; habu@berkeley.edu; sbb10@cam.ac.uk; bb106@cam.ac.uk; ueb10@cam.ac.uk; hgmd2@cam.ac.uk; hme25@cam.ac.uk; pf107@cam.ac.uk; leh1000@cam.ac.uk; rdgi2@cam.ac.uk; jal6@cam.ac.uk; sdawdy@uchicago.edu; r.astuti@lse.ac.uk; m.banerjee@lse.ac.uk; m.engelke@lse.ac.uk; f.cannell@lse.ac.uk; d.a.james@lse.ac.uk; m.mundy@lse.ac.uk; m.e.pelkmans@lse.ac.uk; m.w.scott@lse.ac.uk; acuna@ugr.es; abravo@ugr.es; mdietler@uchicago.edu; briones@ugr.es; lorenzo@ugr.es; jcastilla@ugr.es; mccv@ugr.es; fjgarcia@ugr.es; jgonzal@ugr.es; mfisch@uchicago.edu; farquhar@uchicago.edu; amchien@uchicago.edu; s-gal@uchicago.edu; ajam.privacy@aljazeera.net; editors@yesmagazine.org; letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au; lettertoed@thestar.ca; fondazione@fondazionecorriere.it; defensor@elpais.es; admin@democracynow.org; spiegel@spiegel.de; editor-in-chief@y-i.co.il; legal@firstlook.org; kingc@washpost.com; abo@lemonde.fr; abo@monde-diplomatique.fr; letters@latimes.com; editors@prospect.org; letters@charleskrauthammer.com; letters@csmonitor.com; letters@economist.com; letters@guardian.co.uk; letters@nytimes.com; letters@washpost.com; mapweb@map.co.ma; letters@tnr.com; opinion@elperiodico.com; redaccion@lavanguardia.es; press@thenation.com; letters@scmp.com
Subject: What's next Clapper
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 14:44:14 +0000


[Image (original): A smiling Mickey Mouse at the center of a black-banded wrist watch; white-gloved hands outstretched to the number 10 on one side-and to the “2” on the other side.]

From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: mediarelations@merck.com; sharon.castillo@pfizer.com; fdaopa@fda.hhs.gov; contact.us@blackrock.com; info@gatesfoundation.org
CC: apa@psych.org; joe@ama-assn.org; pnas@nas.edu; applications@bps.org.uk; geschaeftsstelle@dgps.de; pinker@wjh.harvard.edu; chamandeny@aol.com; sep@sepsiq.org; ejercitorevista@et.mde.es; mariumparveen@yahoo.com
Subject: But(t) seriously, folks...
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 14:32:35 +0000


Depth as corruption, a threat form within…a true exclusively human tyranny over man herself-like what a cow probably experiences through its hooves as it walks over iron grating laid in the ground by the farmer or cattle rancher (so in fact the cow never does cross that line and delimitation-because it won’t.)

Individuality as depth is a problem-a form of corruption in itself
As a sickness of depth, its inner core is actually the body itself-the surface and containing element of the physical self. How else am I really different except in my body? What is the greatest obstacle to adhering to and being at one with others-and when the lion licks the lamb (lion-licks-the-lamb, lion-licks-the-lamb)?

Thus me is this internal corruption-“cancer”, “disease”-that is the voice of self and just a physio-rational narrative of struggle for coherence, pleasure and advance that must die; that is ill; that must be cured and that gets me into a lot of trouble; and that necessarily must be controlled, suppressed if necessary if I cannot finally rid myself of its foul stench and in regards to the morbidly accusative eyes of others….(lion-licks-the-lamb-lion-licks-the-lamb-lion-licks-the-lamb-lion-licks-the-lamb…);

But only towards the body can I ever really project my rage and turn again into the warmth of the fold…

And heaven becomes the end of it all, most particularly the end of moral burden itself- in effect the human self annulled, finally and for the love of god (so to speak).

And you snap, and your all friends and little buddies become mental illness itself-but only if you accept to pass through Big Pharma’s golden pearly gates of aggregate, chronically medicated life regimes, systemic and through time…

Where the big scale and the big money are, baby-and your only route to the warmth of human communion ever again and for you (don’t you ever forget that!)

Heeeey buddyyyyyy,
How are youuuuuuu today?


[Image (original): A fish inside the gaping mouth of another fish and the eyes of both observing you…]

From: hgilesknight@hotmail.com
To: hsethknight@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: FYI
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 18:11:51 +0000

Great blue parrot! Don’t know what you have written, but if you want desolution of a family read T. Mann’s
Das Buddenbrooks. Mar. 15th is coming up and you are due for another $125. We need your checking A/C number to deposit the funds. Pls. give me a time and date to pick you up if you have to go to the bank. This is kind of important. Thank you.


From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: hgilesknight@hotmail.com
Subject: FYI
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 14:59:48 +0000

Hey Dad,
Just so you hear it from I am of course exploiting the conceptual imagery ('narrative') of a family torn asunder so to speak and put through an additional hassle and strife (this that has been and is you-Debbie-Lucas and I) specifically by the inaction of those on just the receiving end of a service all the rest of us, in one way or another, are contributing to...

And even if this is to some degree an exaggeration, it is not not true...

Or of course this is the play and the take I make on it.

No harm meant or ever intended personally is what I am saying and in regards to recent text droppings of mine.


[Image: A blue parrot (profile) with a black pupil at the center of a single orange, bird eye.]


Texto agregado el 15-03-2015, y leído por 235 visitantes. (3 votos)

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