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-Will to Power [IS REALLY] Human physio-obsession with physical limitation, imposed immediacy and powerlessness.

-Anthro tendency towards physio-simplification [OFTEN REALLY IS] bitter awe and resignation (obession, also) with broader, semiotic fictionalizations of the non-apprehensible people have no choice but to relate to in one way or another;

The relationship between the immediate and physio-simplified with the semiotic and fictionalized logics of existential understanding, should probably be understood as above all tension in which the individual is trapped, but where one pole saves the individual form the other-in which balance and the concept of a continuum (rather than mutually exclusive binary dichotomies) allow the individual to relate-and thus compensate-one extreme with different degrees as steps towards the other;

And it has in no way been unheard of to understand that in the balance and a continuous revolving compensation-back and forth and from one side to other-is the true optimum point of a greater human, vital plenitude.

The social group and functional need for stories (27Feb15)
Stories articulate mass, physio and social structure; because there is no physio without a higher form of physio-rationality to guide, restrain-understand and self-narrate that understanding of the physio-self. The social, physio-rational self in this sense is of the semiotic-stories (fictionalizations) as the conceptual substance of different and varying levels of heirarchies of logics as understanding:

Fictionalizations that is even Science itself as a form of human mediation over just the human, just physio and bodily interaction with reality (the feel of the sand between your toes as you walk on the beach and the sun on your face, so to speak and that you might very often need to have some form of meaning ascribed to…)

Human anthropological spaces historicially could not really exist without stories because, simply, the body social or corpus, only exists as a metaphor and conceptual fiction, finally, in itself-and always from the standpoint of human physiology (that of course can only ever be physically in just the individual, single and necessarily physio-specific.)

Meaning: Social mediation ultimately (semiotics, narrative) of the physio itself.
-Importance of human language in its relationship to collective, anthropological experience as of just physio, indivudal existence;
-There is no morality-and ultimately no possibility towards meaning as at least the logical mediation of the physio real itself-without semiotic, narrative connection to others and as the social finally itself.

Thus Morality, Language, Meaning as human mediation of the physio real is the social-is the very possiblity sine qua non of human, individual conscience above and beyond just bodily and human, just physio perception.

And the possibility of individuality itself must be understood as not really individual at all, except as just and in only the physiological, only primary, physio-rational savagery of the cannibal who will do what ever he has to and to whomever-just to feel better, in just the attainment of only just physio comfort in the end and unfailingly:


Texto agregado el 24-02-2015, y leído por 112 visitantes. (2 votos)

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24-02-2015 si pudieras traducirlo ... JP-Kumi-
24-02-2015 ¿What?.un abrazo. GAFER
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