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1) Los Encargados, de Santiago Sierra y Jorge Galindo:

2)Cuadro de Antonio López:

3) Texto Anda búscate la vida, de toposikosis (nik): http://www.loscuentos.net/cuentos/link/549/549502/

4)From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: contact.us@blackrock.com; admissions@hbs.edu; editor@wharton.upenn.edu; tuck.executive.education@tuck.dartmouth.edu; tigers@princeton.edu
CC: dsrogers@stanford.edu; akbar@american.edu; johnkelly@uchicago.edu; knorr@uchicago.edu; a-kolata@uchicago.edu; jmasco@uchicago.edu; mazzarel@uchicago.edu; morrison@uchicago.edu; cnakassi@uchicago.edu; agarwal@berkeley.edu; dood@berkeley.edu; berreman@sscl.berkeley.edu; hagrama@uchicago.edu; brandes@berkeley.edu; clbriggs@berkeley.edu; cohen@berkeley.edu; colson@sscl.berkeley.edu; meg@berkeley.edu; deacon@berkeley.edu; dolhinow@comcast.net; etting@berkeley.edu; mcf@berkeley.edu; gumperz@edstar.ucsb.edu; juliechu@uchicago.edu; habu@berkeley.edu; sbb10@cam.ac.uk; bb106@cam.ac.uk; ueb10@cam.ac.uk; hgmd2@cam.ac.uk; hme25@cam.ac.uk; pf107@cam.ac.uk; leh1000@cam.ac.uk; rdgi2@cam.ac.uk; jal6@cam.ac.uk; sdawdy@uchicago.edu; r.astuti@lse.ac.uk; m.banerjee@lse.ac.uk; m.engelke@lse.ac.uk; f.cannell@lse.ac.uk; d.a.james@lse.ac.uk; m.mundy@lse.ac.uk; m.e.pelkmans@lse.ac.uk; m.w.scott@lse.ac.uk; acuna@ugr.es; abravo@ugr.es; mdietler@uchicago.edu; briones@ugr.es; lorenzo@ugr.es; jcastilla@ugr.es; mccv@ugr.es; fjgarcia@ugr.es; jgonzal@ugr.es; mfisch@uchicago.edu; farquhar@uchicago.edu; amchien@uchicago.edu; s-gal@uchicago.edu
Subject: FW: Dear Mr Morozov,
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 08:55:49 +0000

From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: evgeny.morozov@gmail.com
CC: press@fb.com; abhusri@greylock.com; info@gatesfoundation.org; ajam.privacy@aljazeera.net; editors@yesmagazine.org; letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au; lettertoed@thestar.ca; fondazione@fondazionecorriere.it; defensor@elpais.es; admin@democracynow.org; spiegel@spiegel.de; editor-in-chief@y-i.co.il; legal@firstlook.org; kingc@washpost.com; abo@lemonde.fr; abo@monde-diplomatique.fr; letters@latimes.com; editors@prospect.org; letters@charleskrauthammer.com; letters@csmonitor.com; letters@economist.com; letters@guardian.co.uk; letters@nytimes.com; letters@washpost.com; mapweb@map.co.ma; letters@tnr.com; opinion@elperiodico.com; redaccion@lavanguardia.es; press@thenation.com; letters@scmp.com
Subject: Dear Mr Morozov,
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 08:16:26 +0000
I would appreciate any insight you could give me in regards to the accuracy of my thoughts on cultural evolution as of the 1990s and in regards to an informacional advatange the architects and promotors of Internet wielded on and over society, and especially the morally suspect use some of these people (particulary Bill Gates) may have made of this informational asymmetry-or am I just exercising a physiology of my own, furious and essentially dumb in my own rage for moral and intellectual clarity in regards to collective social experience?

-Allow people to live through their physiologies towards a final and intense dependence on new social-vital structures they in fact and for the most part haven’t had to pay for to be part of;

-But this dependence that at first is not monetarily exploited to its fullest by the proposers, becomes the final real objective (since the very beginning and from their standpoint) but that was never understood by the just physiological and standard consumer-user;

-And following something close to a honeypot mechanism of baiting and pulling inadvertent consumer-users into structures they at first don’t understand or aren’t aware of, over time and once these strucutres become in this sense consolidated in terms of raw, demographic and fully incorporated, integrated mass, a shift takes place in which the relationship between structure and consumer-users turns explicitly and overtly monetary, whether directly in terms of fees charged or indirectly through massive leverage with regards to commercial advertizing over and through that consumer-user pool that sturcture now controls and founds itself on.

-Would not this in fact be a technically accurate way of understanding Face Book, for example, despite the aires of hip, basically good-natured MBA acumen Mark Zuckerberg is portrayed as imbuing, with just a healthy dash of American and capitalist ruthlessness we are all supposed to marvel at, deep down in inside?

-When in fact from a moral standpoint and in terms of an underlying abuse of just simply human physiology itself, an episode of clear and certain brutality has come to be understood as resepectable and something to model one’s self on and aspire to-assuming you (or at least your clients ultimately) don’t ever morally assess or even understand it’s technical underbelly;

-And turns out that there seems to always have existed a knowledge gap between demographic, social pools as mass and aggregate object, and the technical agency of the real founding fathers of the Internet and/or Cyber space (aka Virtual Reality)-that this discrepancy has been key to the utilitarian use of mass demographic user physiology as the brick and mortar itself, necessarily invigorated especially in its ignorance, becuase of its unthinking and just raw physiology as drive to the satisfaction of some form of need;

-And ultimately through this harnessing of aggregate human physiology itself, the agent-proposer ends up in a postion of real but cryptic (never recognised because not really understood or conceptualizad) power and influence over a cultural space of a large sphere of human interaction itself;

-Or at least I did not at first understand this; and now something of some value to me, culturally and socially-important to me in regards to communiction as a form being among others-belongs technically to a group of people of clear moral disrepute who only just nominally adhere to the rule of law-because what they really are and do is not open to a true moral and social (judicial, finally) assessment:

My-our-ingnorance is and has always been key to the success of their business model-in itself a mechanism of collusion and the disguise of an intensely brutal and merciless subject-object relationship between non-consenting human beings (how can you consent when you are not really aware you are being *ucked up the ass?)

-In a practical sense, what would I do-for example- if I were to loose access to Youtube as something of a de facto cultural center or at least common standard that now is under threat because of the comercial rights of musicians, music groups and their financial agents; and so it is that a cultural structure I have been allowed to grow used to-and have come to form a certain dependence on and round it as part, now, of my own identity in some sense, is just simply now going to be denied and taken from me.

Since when do human beings just sit there and allow that to be done them:

I am going to do all I can personally to destroy you*, at least intellectually and on a moral plane.

That certainly makes sense to me.

(Because you* suck)

*Who is you...? Well you is not me-that is the first objective as a removing of myself to a vantage point from which to know, in a certain sense what I am not (indirectly, what I am in fact as opposition); you probably here is this philistine I speak of as a kind of Jerry-or Tom, depending on which one I am to be; in any case you is not Morozov. Morozov in his writing is no philistine (I know that).
From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: abuse@capitalone.com; states.attorney@montgomerycountymd.gov; kenneth.penrod@montgomerycountymd.gov
CC: ajam.privacy@aljazeera.net; editors@yesmagazine.org; letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au; lettertoed@thestar.ca; fondazione@fondazionecorriere.it; defensor@elpais.es; admin@democracynow.org; spiegel@spiegel.de; editor-in-chief@y-i.co.il; legal@firstlook.org; kingc@washpost.com; abo@lemonde.fr; abo@monde-diplomatique.fr; letters@latimes.com; editors@prospect.org; letters@charleskrauthammer.com; letters@csmonitor.com; letters@economist.com; letters@guardian.co.uk; letters@nytimes.com; letters@washpost.com; mapweb@map.co.ma; letters@tnr.com; opinion@elperiodico.com; redaccion@lavanguardia.es; press@thenation.com; letters@scmp.com; m.comunicacio.periodisme.humanitats@uab.cat; info@diariocolatino.com; opinion@prensagrafica.com; ruben@rubennavarrette.com; catalunyaplural@eldiario.es; vnavarro@vnavarro.org; solg@elpais.es; victoria.prego@elmundo.es; expansion.com@expansion.com; comunicacion@intereconomia.com; john.muller@elmundo.es; jcruz@elpais.es; javier@javierdelapuerta.es; dmassey@princeton.edu; robert@willigs.com; higa@xanum.uam.mx; bg238@georgetown.edu
Subject: Capital Petition
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 13:14:13 +0000
And I want it-dear sir/madame,

As a kind of canvas on which to blast buckets of bright orange paint (which I will purchase locally, of course)-and the sought visual effect will be that of the impact of orange bullet or shell bursts, on a relatively new but riddled facade over an underlying aggregate economic-financial stillness as really a demographic still life-such will be the message of my work and regards to your recently closed office facility;

I am especially interest in the plastic stateliness of certainly southern architectural eminence that the original pillar and greek-like temple design would give my final artistic presentation, as kind of satire of feigned and faux majesty of the americana itself (ridiculously so, in fact has this false classic pretension always been perceived by a lot of people other than just my self).

And because you really must have taken a bath on this one-must have been caught with your pants down around your ankles this time as surely a costly misunderstanding of the human demographics you thought you had seen at one time so clearly-otherwise, surely you would not have put the millions of dollars you spent on the building's original design, construction and parking facilities-why don't you just let me have it as an art medium towards my own designs, political or otherwise, because I have at least basic understanding of what I am doing and where I want to go...

Because there are those who tell me yeah, you're real but you are not political-so lay off these political ideas and ambitions you see yourself before;

And I says to him (Antonio, AKA Piraña, AKA Roger) I says, you know-you may be right ´cause you all know that from minute to minute and day to day, I am kept from fully understanding what I am before-and so I am forced incessantly to interpret and to forge some kind of knowing to be able to move forward, however and at whatever cost that is never finally complete-such is the life I live-but I'm thinkin'-I says to him-that despite what you say, I am actually very political-everything about me is political, although you (and your people) would have it otherwise;

And I also assume (tentatively know) that just like me, you really don't know yourselves-that so far the only one really moving things forward around here is me, you just all reacting to it-and obviously, you ain't liking what you are seeing-you wish I weren't political, big guy!!!!

And in that very moment a barrel chested hawk the size of a medium-sized refrigerator alighted atop the upper branches of a tree about 100 meters squarely in front of us-and Antonio says to me, he says: Its not a hawk-too big to be a Hawk-its an eagle;

I says, No, I don't think so-its hawk.

But god damn it its big, isn't it-he says.

Yeah, it is (I says)....

Bank People: Get back to me with whatever your views are the subject (I mean its not like you are going to actually be able to sell that property so quickly-or even at all....you know.

You know...


From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: ejercitorevista@et.mde.es; defensor@elpais.es; opinion@abc.es; infopsoe@psoe.es
CC: direccion@march.es; webmaster@euskoalkartasuna.org; contacto@fibgar.org; contacto@paralalibertad.org; contacto@gepc.es; lopd@usmr.ccoo.es; lopd@upyd.es; tecnicodeproyectos@fundacioneuropadelosciudadanos.eu; info-si@uc3m.es; info@consejo-estado.es; sindic@sindic.cat; cuadernos@fundacionfaes.org; icam@icam.es; sep@sepsiq.org; comunicacion@fape.es; chamandeny@aol.com; juventud@cec.ugt.org
Subject: FW: Farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 18:29:01 +0000

From: hsethknight@hotmail.com
To: defensor@elpais.es
CC: ajam.privacy@aljazeera.net; editors@yesmagazine.org; letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au; lettertoed@thestar.ca; fondazione@fondazionecorriere.it; admin@democracynow.org; spiegel@spiegel.de; editor-in-chief@y-i.co.il; legal@firstlook.org; kingc@washpost.com; abo@lemonde.fr; abo@monde-diplomatique.fr; letters@latimes.com; editors@prospect.org; letters@charleskrauthammer.com; letters@csmonitor.com; letters@economist.com; letters@guardian.co.uk; letters@nytimes.com; letters@washpost.com; mapweb@map.co.ma; letters@tnr.com; opinion@elperiodico.com; redaccion@lavanguardia.es; press@thenation.com; letters@scmp.com; m.comunicacio.periodisme.humanitats@uab.cat; info@diariocolatino.com; opinion@prensagrafica.com; ruben@rubennavarrette.com; catalunyaplural@eldiario.es; vnavarro@vnavarro.org; solg@elpais.es; victoria.prego@elmundo.es; expansion.com@expansion.com; comunicacion@intereconomia.com; john.muller@elmundo.es; jcruz@elpais.es; javier@javierdelapuerta.es
Subject: Farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 18:26:12 +0000


[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V88yyayq6AY ]

5)Vanila Sky (The Most Subconcious Run), Ziya Aliyev:




Texto agregado el 01-12-2014, y leído por 269 visitantes. (2 votos)

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