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Sometimes, people do not know where they are going to be.
In fact, who knows! You will agree with me when I say that the future, even if it has been carefully planned can change quickly. It does not take much to change the lives of people and some times, these changes can be really dramatic.
I met some people, not a long time ago… They taught me so many things about their humanity and mine as well.
These people came to Eastnorthwestsouth to look for alia in their new lives, but the main thing is that they came because their lives changed as mine and later, I know their reasons, but this is another story.
I was living a quiet, or almost quiet live but one day, a big monster, I mean a big bad one, appeared in my world.
Its feet were enormous with a large dirty nails, its head was really far up and only a few people could see their frightened eyes. Most of them never returned. Its legs do not work at all so all of us were forced to work hard to feed it.
I got tired and one day, thinking about this and these, I asked to myself: Why don’t I leave…? So here I am.
By the way, my name is Sunflower and as I was telling you, met Kindness, Freedom, Joyful, Yearning, Victory, Kidman, and the others a short time ago but, for me, it’s like it was long, long time ago.
I have been thinking about the reasons that took us all to this place at the same time, how it was possible to find us, talk to one another even having a lot of other people around us, and feel some friendliness, and later, love. But not everything has to be rational: the truth is that one day we were together in a magic town, sharing our thinking, voices, and humanity.
Let me to introduce them:
First, I would like to tell you about Kindness. He showed me how happy it makes you to be kind.
When you hear his name you just can imagine how this guy is. Inside his small body there is a giant heart. Kindness is always trying to be your friend and looking at you with his brown and curious eyes. He doesn’t say anything but stays next to you just waiting until you want to speak with him. And when you decide to do it, get surprised because kindness is a river of words, wild words! -He ish Irish and hish acchent ish imposshible- don’t ask to him to speak clearly and slowly because he simply can not do it. It could be hard at the beginning but when you and kindness start to be friends, to share your happiness and sadness you can understand him so, so easy.
He is very proud to be Irish and that is something that also shares. He loves the party and to be with his friends, laughing, dancing and drinking beer or the famous Irish hot whiskey which I like so much.
I have never met anyone like him; he is always in a good mood. I only saw him upset one time, but he didn’t take long to smile again. Nor take long to return to smoking… Thank God, he is human!
Now let’s speak about Freedom. When I saw a part of him, because he is too tall I couldn't imagine how much he will teach me about the act of being free.
His life is like an open book because he doesn’t hide anything about him. Lets you to know, what he is thinking, and doesn’t care if you like it or not because he is like he is: you take him or not. Surprisingly there is no one who can be away from him.
Likes many things, especially good food and cooking for friends, like I do ... and I'm afraid it's because he's French. Well, I'm not French and enjoy eating more than cooking actually.
He gives all the time to chat and discover the treasure that sleeps inside of everybody. Freedom loves the beauty inward all the people and have the faculty to discover the goodness in everyone.
I’m not sure if that is because he is absolutely free or rather this condition makes him free. The heart of the matter is that he is he: without ties, without poses, without tags, simply, Freedom.
There is another French guy: Joyful, oh, beautiful, generous and I think, he is the only one that knows himself largely, that is why he looks so self-confident, although is very, very young.
He is always asking you how you feeling, what is going on, trying to give you his best point of view and of course sharing all of him. I mean, he is always ready to hug you.
We do not see each other much lately because we work a lot but, it doesn’t mean he's gone because he's the type of person who is always there, even if they aren’t if you know what I mean. Joyful enjoys and invites you, seduces you with his wonderful smile to join him to everything: parties, movies, rides, desserts, sweet meals, cook don’t forget he’s French even, work. He loves it: seriously!
He showed me a good way to walk through life: No matter how difficult is your way. Walk safe, happy and allow others to walk by your side.
Let’s talk about Yearning. She came to the town about the same time as I. That's why we spend so much time together at first. We went to study, went to parties, went to theatre, went to many places, always bringing support and caring of each other.
She takes her time to know you and has the faculty to understand everyone, I mean, to understand deeply, over all, to the English; don’t know how she can do it but is able to see behind the obvious.
Enjoys everything, parties, drink, food, landscapes, listening to you, which is not very common, and walks with a very uncomfortable fabric boots,
Even though she smiles constantly but never when she just wakes up, you will notice her yearning. She feels a strong hankering to go back home in Spain, because there is an unwavering bond between her and her origins; she taught me that you are also where you come from.
Yearning’s feeling is the most common regret of the people I know in this town.
Even the unbreakable Victory feels some nostalgia. He is the image of success. He has a big energetic smile, and happy eyes, looking everywhere, like he is waiting for some thing more…
Is difficult to imagine him being diffident, I guess he doesn’t know what does it mean.
Victory “moves the world” in his own sense and is amazing to see him do it. Actually, this is best teaching. Victory wants to eat the world with big bites, enjoying each moment like it was the last one, doing everything in a great funny way.
He is like an electrical shock that makes you jumps from your boring life to go out, and watch the sky and feel alive. Loves the Ska music, and of course fete, especially if have to dress up because he’s like a chameleon. Fits and camouflaged skilfully everywhere. That is why he is always a survivor.
Maybe Kidman is a survivor as well, but is another kind of person.
Now, I am sure that I won’t see him again because he was like a good tree’s shadow, but the sun is gone and the tree was felled. I feel a great sadness because Kidman is no longer here but, sometimes fate brings us together in a sweet way and suddenly separated with a brutality that is impossible to understand.
Anyway, the memories are good; we spend great time together, walking, reading, laughing, chatting and dancing, before the winter. And he taught me so much about the goodness, and how funny it is to feel like a kid.
He and all the others, want, are anxious to go back home after a hard journey. They are wishing to see their friends, their family, their landscapes… again.
They just want to stay for short time here trying to change their life and go back home with a new one…
This is a big difference among us, because I am not expecting to go back to anywhere. I want to create roots here: and these roots started a short time ago, or may be long time ago? When I met these great people who taught me, moved me, and made me feel alive

You know? I think I am lucky. I have changed my life and greatest people are coming to me.

Texto agregado el 21-05-2014, y leído por 138 visitantes. (1 voto)

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