Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / raizal / HAPPENED IN EDINBURGH


The evening had great finally after several devilishly windy gray

days. So after a brief chat, the friends agreed to go out to eat

somewhere, not very expensive, because the times are not

spending money to go around.

They had heard of a restaurant near the hostel where they lived

since they arrived at Edinburgh dreamed, so decided to try their

luck taking advantage of the nice day and good humour that

suddenly, lived in their spirits.

All three felt euphoric, it was as if the new city air will plague them

the exciting spirit of good omens.

What singular, which could see the dull novel Edinburgh now.

The colours were filled with bright flashes and everything seemed

endowed with a new vigour.

They walked, talking and laughing through the bowels of the city

and led to the mundane Nicholson Street where the crowd noise

was also radiant encouraged them further.

Definitely, it breathed new air and these infected to each other for

something like joy but that did not amount to such, because this

unexpected happiness of an unknown nature, distilled, at once, an

air of mystery.

They had reached the site chosen, and although friends were

hungry enough, they stopped a few seconds to look through the

giant window inside.

The decor was colourful and furniture were arranged in a

comfortable manner so that each thought to himself: How well have

chosen, it strikes me that the food will be delicious.

But they lacked imagination.

Maybe because were in a hurry to get in and sit at the local

picturesque enjoy a pittance, or maybe that is not always perceive

the subtleties of magic, did not notice that this was not normal


Sitting comfortably in the small place focused on the indecipherable

menu choose something that sounded more or less digestible and

especially abundant, easy thing, if you consider that two of the

three did not understand at all the language spoken in that country

and also the Indian restaurant was so many of the dishes had

unpronounceable names.

It took a very long time to decide. Meanwhile, the exotic waitress

came and went to and fro in his melodious language talking smiling

at everyone.

Gradually the restaurant was filled with people with different faces,

voices and languages ​​but surprisingly not made too much noise

because they spoke very low, and in a whisper. Only clearly hear a

melody soft and light, something like the gentle breeze caressing

the leaves of the trees making them rock

At last, they had decided and prepared to wait patiently until they

take the order.

The youngest of the friends, playing nervously with his legs

up to the left, stumbled upon a forgotten paper bag under the

table. Immediately put it in front of everyone and with unusual

impatience, opened.

Then it happened: An intense turquoise light burst across the room

making music, the whispers, the sounds of glasses, knives and forks

on the ceramic plates suddenly cease.

None of the three, notice anything immediately as the light coming

out of the package was in such vividness that had stunned but

when reacted, they were astonished.

What they saw exceeded any possible speculation about reality.

Neither the wildest fantasy none of them would ever fit an image


In the table opposite, the two old ladies, those so kind that they

had asked what his favourite dish of the place, opened his mouth

in a gesture disproportionately, if you will, grotesque. One of them

was about to drink his tea but just at the moment when the light

came up, the cup is overturned spilling the drink from the corner of

her lips.

Something similar happened in the table on the left where some

young people who probably did not look at time chatting happily.

Only the middle looked toward the bag, had drawn a look of

astonishment on his face and had dropped a piece of bread Nan

chilli sauce causing a burst of red splashes that threatened to leave

the immaculate suits three, turned into a complete disaster.

Just beyond, the profile image in the mirror, the lady's attention

so much that one of the friends had been distorted by the effect of

intense light that was reflected in it. His face from the nose pierced

blurring her face everything down to the chin, leaving only the

view, the frightened right eye. A permanent control eye what was

happening at the time.

The friends were stunned, watching the scene in silence until a

figure entered the room slowly and rhythmically moving, what

caught his attention.

As they approached, the black figure was becoming sharper. It

was a woman walking towards the only place open in the corner,

between the table of older women and the cheerful girls.

The gentle movements of the mysterious lady stillness highlighted

by the rest of the scene and that's when friends realized, horrified,

that time had stopped.

Yes, even that blinked, shook his head and scowled in a desperate

attempt to regain reality, the picture was the same. A terrifying

stillness background served the beautiful image of the woman who

was still moving outside the rest of the world, even to shiver which

shook the body of the other three, immune to the effect of beam


Even the air had stopped and one of the friends, the oldest, wanted

to make sure he was still moving so he raised one arm and then

the other, took a deep breath and relieved to see that the air

coming into his lungs. He pinched as suspected right away that I

was dreaming but not surprised when he confirmed that pain was

awake and witnessing the most disturbing realities. He looked at his

companions, in turn, looking at him, as if asking for answers and

was glad that they were "alive".

When reminded that someone else moving in the restaurant, looked

over at the table occupied by the mystery woman. At that time, she

had hidden his face as looking for something in his big bag, so head

detailing amused splendidly adorned by a small flashing black veil

silver flowers. The stranger began to lift his head very slowly, that

was the way he moved, and he was so anxious to see his face who

ignored when heard his name called. One of his companions asked

him over and over explanation of what was happening. But older

people do not always have the answers and least so overwhelmingly

strange situations as they were witnessing.

Meanwhile, the younger friend had turned to look out the window

Street. When he realized that the world was crippled there, wanted

to know how far the power of lightning magic.

He could not believe what he was seeing. Outside everything

appeared quiet. It was as if someone had taken the remote control

of television and had put in pause mode.

The cars, which at that time was enough, were stuck in a row

without end, like the rubbish that the wind picked up a second

before everything stopped and that just would not move to finally

fall to the ground .

Sunlight still shining but in a disturbing because it was static and

the faces of pedestrians were frozen in gestures friendly and smiley

because that was the mood at the street but now, these smiles

were presented cartoonish and frightening because they were dead.

Even children who were in the hands of their parents happy because

they could finally go to the park or buy that toy promised, looked

with blank stares to nowhere and this was what most frightened.

The mysterious woman finally finished setting up the head and

had guessed that someone was watching because once he did, he

looked directly into the face of the greatest of friends. Her face

was beautiful, fine and delicate. The forehead was broad, devoid of

wrinkles and very black eyebrows that framed the eyes also brought

out the colour of his skin bronze.

Slim and short nose gave him an aristocratic feel and the small but

sensuous mouth was the end to a set that definitely turned into a

beautiful woman.

He blinked twice while looking friend and he felt crossed by his

penetrating gaze. The feeling forced him to stop staring and sought

to end the face of his friend, who had been calling. But he had

also fallen prey to the magnetism of this lady and no longer spoke.

Young, meanwhile, had wanted to show his friends pictures from

the window but could not get his attention and he turned his face

towards them to see what happened and succumbed to the effect of

the girl who now stood before her desk, looking at him with a half


I see you found, she said.

He did not understand what she was talking and she lifted a long

finger to indicate that she spoke of the bag.

I forgot this and had to retrace all the places I have visited before

to find him. I could not remember where I left off.

The three friends looked at the bag and instinctively surrounded her

to protect it.

She went on. I'm pretty tired and I start so easily distracted I forgot

here today.

But who are you? Asked the major

And what happened? He said the other

I can not give it, said the young man. How I can be sure it's yours?

Actually, not mine, said the girl. I just must have it for a while until

the next relay.

The next relay? To care for a bag? Said one of them funny.

I guess you have noticed already that this is not a generic package

she said sarcastically.

And what is it? asked the one who had spoken. But she did not

answer, did not even looked him.

She leaned across the table and tried to take the lump but friends

stopped her.

We will not allow them to take this if not yours said the young man.

Then she straightened. It seemed much taller and his eyes were like

a knife.

This is on my office and I'll take it like it or not.

But what the hell is this? insisted the friend who had been asking all


Is the time, said Major.

The woman looked at him, this time, meekly. It's pretty much that.


The other two looked at his friend in surprise. Thousand questions

will come to mind now.

This bag, she added cautiously is under my custody. I am

responsible for it and I made a mistake forgetting it, I have to get it

back so if you can let me go now that you know what it is ...

But why has stopped everything when we opened, asked the usual.

I'd love to stay and explain all this, but I have no time.

Time? Time? Said the man laughing. That is what is left. Look

around you.

The woman turned her sharp look to him and said: and just because

you think you can keep forever this abnormal situation, I'm staying

to explain something you never understand?

The friend snorted indignantly and tried to answer something to

put her on your site but could not find the words. It was always the

same when he wanted to tell everyone what he deserved and show

how smart he was, he could not find the blessed words.

Then you can take this package but at least explain to us why

everyone is paralyzed and we do not. It is because we have the

bag? He managed to say.

No, I do not know why you are not like the others. It is assumed

that this affects everything.

Everything? It means that now the whole world is frozen?

Basically, yes.

I want to be over, quickly said the young man. I can do it, I opened

the bag and look at me, here I am completely healthy.

Healthy head no, said another friend. How can you think to open a

package that you have no idea where it comes from?

Well, when I put it on the table, no one said anything.

Well, you did not give us time to talk, said Major.

That's not how it works, said the woman who was getting tired of

having to explain. The relay can only be one and is someone who is

destined for it.

How, a chosen one? Then it is clear. We found the bag for some

reason and when I opened it, remained immune to the effect. That's

it ...

The girl eagerly interrupted him and said, almost shouting to stop

being an idiot who could not be reached to imagine the gruelling

responsibility of it take care of the "bag" as they name it and tried

to take the package again.

This time, only the largest table leaned over and touched his hand

firmly. To her surprise, she opened her fingers leaving the little

bundle and turned his wrist to embrace the hand of him.

Then, she began to mourn.

Her uncontrollable tears fell on their hands still together of the two

and the more this feeling was so sweet, he wanted to help her.

I explain it to him, he said looking into her eyes and guessing a

flash of gratitude and relief in them.

He dropped the girl's hand and walked towards the younger friend

watched him incredulously. Come, come with me, he said. He, like

hypnotized followed. They went out together into the street closely

followed by the third one, you did not hear anything.

Watch and tell me what you see.

What do I see? The same as you, everyone frozen.

Yes, but what else you see, tell me something I have not seen.

The other, squinted, looking in more detail but could not see

anything exceptional good, anything that was over the fact that

everything was still.

I surrender, said, I see nothing different from what I saw earlier.

That's because you have not looked beyond your nose, replied the


Again, the boy wanted to say something to his friend and plant it in

place but like before he could even finish of indignation, The friend

raised his finger and pointed to a spot right away.


The obeyed and looked in the direction marked. What the other was

pointing was quite distant and he walked slowly to approach the


All followed him to the woman, who had left the restaurant with the

package still radiant in hand.

They were now close enough to see clearly what was happening, or

better, which was about to happen.

At the corner of Nicolson Square, a beggar was about to be beaten

in the face by a fairly robust man seemed determined to break him

all the teeth. He stood with one arm holding him by the shirt and

the Pauper fragile his face was disfigured by fear.

They walked, moved by a secret force.

A few meters further in front of the Festival Theatre, saw a cyclist

who had lost control of his bike and was about to fall, at the risk of

being hit by the bus that was following closely.

At the corner of Drummond Street, a drunk pushed to a traveller

who was elegantly dressed splashing saliva and debris spilling his

drink on her clothing.

At the height of Chambers Street, they saw a girl fighting with the

wind that insisted on lifting her skirt revealing part of her buttocks

with what friends felt compensated.

The young man kept walking, and everyone else behind him.

Later, the largest approached, touched his shoulder warmly and

said, I know what you're thinking. But, and how you'll fix everything

in all parts of the world?

That's not our job, said from behind the woman. We just have to

keep the no-time.

The three friends looked at her. That's all we have to do. Said.

By then he had come to North Bridge. On the east side of the bridge

a man had climbed the wall and seemed about to jump into the

void. Wind invisible hand was holding still on the edge of the wall

but he leaned forward, determined to jump.

The friends ran to the place and stopped in their tracks when they

were next to him. None dared to touch it.

From the other side of the street, the woman told a pleading tone:

Do nothing. We can not intervene.

They were devastated, they had to do something. They were good

people and could not allow something like this to happen in front of

them not to do anything about it.

She had discovered her head dropping a very long white hair as

white as snow and walked slowly toward them.

There is nothing we can do to save this man or the thousands of

suicide bombers who are now waiting for the time to jump back into

the void.

When she was with them, were still weeping.

The non-time there since there is no time. It needs to be because

it's the opposite face. Without it, the time could not be.

had you ever thought about it?

Two of the three denied ashamed, but the major had thought on it

not once but millions of times. Every time he looked in the mirror,

every time he noticed a new pain, had a birthday every time, every

day and every night wondering where was the counterpart of the

time. Although he never dreamed it would be this.

He approached the girl, took her by the shoulders and said: You

need to rest. This is a stressful job and long embraced.

She had ceased to mourn.

You finally arrived, she said, expecting you long ago but you've

finally arrived.

Are you the relay? said the friend who always wondered.

I fear that if he answered the youngest because the other was

speechless with surprise. Basically what I knew but did not feel


You'll do fine, she said because she had guessed his anguish. The

only rule you've already heard. You can not intervene, you can not

change anything that is intended and now have to go back to where

it all started.

So they did. The two guardians of non-time walking together

holding hands and the other two followed close between jealous and


Gone are the suicide, the girl and her skirt fool, the drunk, the

cyclist, the beggar and all events that could never be avoided.

They entered the restaurant and sat down. The woman, who had

regained his hair jet black, put the bag on the table and heard

warning some things to relay said goodbye with a loving kiss. She

returned to the table that had held before sat.

The friend did not want to lose a lot more non-time so the bag


Immediately, the music and the murmur returned and watched as

everything worked as expected.

Discreetly put the bag next to him and looked at his friends who

were waiting to take their order, he turned to the table of old ladies

to see how finished the spilled stained the shirt of one of them.

He heard the splash of piece of bread falling in chilli sauce and

would not have been seen as the clothes of the three friends.

He stopped that if, at the table of the former guardian of no time

and smiled to see that talking to the waitress, more alien than

ever him and the rest of the world. For her, and others, this never


He thought of the beggar who may already have been beaten in

the cyclist would have fallen but hopefully, the bus would have

barely touched on the drunk who had ruined the costume ... in the

executive and suicidal. He wondered if the end would have jumped.

He checked with his right hand the package should now guard and

prepared to wait, as his friends who take the order because, after

all, the world kept turning.

Texto agregado el 09-05-2014, y leído por 202 visitantes. (1 voto)

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