Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Pun for all, or: Fun for all?

PUN FOR ALL [Sign at the beginning of the video as promise made to all who enter the amusement park as funhouse as life itself.]

An ambivalent bee figure (is it funny or will it sting you?; is Bugs Bunny bad or really good?): a duality as structure on which to jump back and forth, from one side to the other;

And even if you are the simplest of Joe the plumber dumbasses, you still know fear-and I’ll get you even if it is just on the fright-relief axis of the child’s mostly physiological reality (I mean a real child) of good/bad and most importantly, presence/absence.

And it is fear the child-like the dog-knows best.

And it is your fear most of all that allows me to hold you in life as a spell of –again and primarily-physiological ferocity.

‘Cause you a small man!

Most people never come out of that.

Ever hear of *uckers be dyin’ of boredom?

(One really never killed out of boredom-or at least that’s not what the individual felt at the time!)

Is there hope?

‘Hope’ is in minute 1:17 if you can break the duality itself, but the Disney Corporation won’t be there for you after that-no more Mickey, after that:



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Pun: ‘juego de palabra(s)’; y ¿qué es un juego de palabra sino una dualidad a partir de dos palabras parecidas pero diferentes-o a partir de la misma pero con dos acepciones distintas como definiciones? Pero las dualidades son en realidad una trampa, una limitación que se presenta a veces como posible espacio como desplazamiento falso; hay que destruir las dualidades de la cultura antropológica, solo a partir, claro está, de la conciencia por parte de uno-o una- de su existencia misma. Dualidades como la base del significado humano como tensión sí, pero no como marco de vitalidad como sutil instrumento de corrección como coerción psicológica, simplemente.
Coney Island:

Texto agregado el 08-03-2014, y leído por 126 visitantes. (0 votos)

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08-03-2014 Apasionante documento. elisatab
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