Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / EscarabajoDorado / hole
I find myself lost in the way
It was dark and it smelt like rain
Those flashes coming back at me
The edge of this hole is so thin
I’ve been spinning around
And hung my hands to these ropes
For all these feelings I’m proud
To be sunk in my thoughts
Even thou everything’s so beautiful
Even thou we live in a sick sad world
My duality is my salvation
From destroying all that I know
When I try to see the sparks
I just get blind
Maybe the truth is more hurtful
Than this closed state of mind
But when I look into the dark
That’s when I see trough these walls
It’s when I write this songs
then I get caught in my words
like butterflies to the flame
is me to this hole
so attracted by it
so burned in its love.
Texto agregado el 21-08-2004, y leído por 135
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