Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / soldevos / For you my dear friend...
Dear friend...
Sends we meet, you were a friend more in my life, and I think from that moment, it is posible to meet unique people in this big world and that is a bless.
Because I believe that every person had a different history but in a moment of our lives we share the same experiences, adventures, crazy things and more.
So many things are similar, but we can have a point that we can know ich other, like us.
This night I remember you and your history, plus all the things that we share. And if I don't have a bad memory, now your traveling for a reason to find your self, to heal your life from the past.
I hope that your soul is going to be better in the future and you will smile with your heart soon...
I miss so much are chats and chill out with you, my dear friend, remember our crazy historys and drink some wine.
PD: Something to Remember, please keep walking with hope in this life, it doesn't care if is full of shit, just follow the road... |
Texto agregado el 16-07-2013, y leído por 110
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