Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / stefaniecg / What do I do?


What do i do?

Sometimes I'm a writer,
sometimes a philosopher,
sometimes a musician,
sometimes a traveller,
sometimes a friend,
sometimes a scientist,
sometimes a lover,
sometimes a dancer,
sometimes a rider,
sometimes a sister,
sometimes a daughter,
sometimes the punchline,
sometimes the one without a course,
sometimes the quiet person by the park bench,
sometimes the one that sings to the wind,
sometimes the voice that sings by the river,
sometimes the one who smiles to strangers,
sometimes the fearless latin-human i grew up to be,
sometimes just the one who listens to my thoughts and writes stories.

yeah... that's what I do.

Texto agregado el 05-03-2013, y leído por 122 visitantes. (0 votos)

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05-03-2013 now i not undestand. elisatab
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