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(1) She was the one that sang for him that night by the lake. She was the one that wrote all those letters to him. She was the one that when finding out he was going away, ran after him. She was the one who played/sang for him on that skype jam session. She is the one to whom he still speaks with. (2) She is the one that saw how einstein was right when 10 hr went by like 10 min by his side. She was the one that laid down in his chest. She was the one who forgave him. (3) She was the one whom he walked around Paris that first night. She is the one that kissed his forehead. She was the one who watched him sleep the next morning. She is the one who wrote the letter. (4) She is the one that caressed his hair. She is the one he fell asleep with. (5) She was never there.


(1) He is the one that never let her love him. (2) He was the one that for that one time.... listened to her. He was the one who answered his letter. He is the one to whom he still speaks with. (3) He was the one he spoke with during the first 2 hr. He was the one to whom he discussed science with. He was the one who let him in. He was the one who sent that letter. (4) He was in control the hole night, kept her relaxed. (5) He is the one that said ¨stop, go back home¨.


(1,2) It didn’t existed at that point in life. (3) It was the one that lost control after the touch of his lips. (4) It was the one he carried in his arms to the divan. (5) It was the one responsible for the entire thing.

She is the one who’s writing this.
He is the one who’s responsible for being sitting just where we are.
It... I just realized ¨it¨ exists

Texto agregado el 14-08-2012, y leído por 142 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
14-08-2012 I like "it" a lot ;) Beautysname
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