Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / stefaniecg / Hello stranger


To be honest...

Some call me an anarchist.
Some… a bit too optimistic.
Thinking way outside of the box.
Some… say that i am passionate.
Some might say... a bit naive
Even… a windmill fighter.

The truth is…
I've always said what my heart thought.
I've always moved as my body felt.

I have to say…
I've never been a book reader, i am a story teller though.
I've never been good with handcrafts, i don't have that artistic talent.
I am not a good musician, but I am a passionate jammer.
I can't stand in the same coordinates for too long.
I do think I might never find my stranger; it is too hard.
A couple years ago i understood that my definition of happiness is quite volatile,
... good thing is... the essence of it doesn't change.
Trough life, I've had a couple enemies, I could recognize it in their eyes.
I've never been untrue to anyone… not even myself.

and... I have to be honest…
I don't consider myself a nice person; mostly because people consider honesty as rudeness.
... and honest i am, this is my disclaimer.

So… Hello Stranger, I'm Stef.

Texto agregado el 04-06-2012, y leído por 139 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
04-06-2012 Hola Stef. Aprecio tu proclama de honestidad. Hablo por mí mismo, yo tampoco soy un lector de libros, prefiero, al igual que tú, pintar historias, rescatar leyendas, pelear contra los molinos de viento. Also, I hope… never been untrue to anyone… not even myself. ZEPOL
04-06-2012 hello stef! viento_sur
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