Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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It was one of those mornings when the early beam meticulously peaks through the curtains. She was there, asleep, immobile, inert. It was only her nakedness vividly vibrating that morning along with her timid soft movement that arose from her naked chest which reminded me that she was still alive.
Que mortal tan afortunado era yo esa mañana! I continously repeated that inside my head while silently swinging my arms up and down like a politician giving a speech. Que MORTAL TAN AFORTUNADO ERASE YO ESA MAÑANA! Shhh… silencio, no la despiertes... Y no lo hice.
Bah! Todo termina, como terminaría ella. Desafortunadamente mi existencia nunca fue agraciada por el optimismo. Nunca fui y no soy participe o partidiario de creer en el “y vivieron felices para siempre”. Pero nunca me ah intimidado el intento terco y repetitivo de buscar lo que para mi es una historia inalcasable.
But that morning wasn’t like those other mornings. That morning had a lot of content. Rich, thick and full of profundity that swiftly interlaced with the abnoxious smell of burnt up cigarretes and the sour after taste of cheap wine inside my mouth.
The sphere called “the brain” continously tried, with failed attempts, to recover and recollect glimpses of her existance on that previous night. Who was she?
There I was, seating on that messy bed with only my hand to cover my dignity. I took a look around for my jeans but they weren’t any where near. She was still laying behind me, also naked. It was one naked party, I presumed. I’ve had those before but the results weren’t never that beautiful.
It was one of those cheap hotel rooms that have a sign of “no smoking” but which horribly rieked of everything except cigarretes.
By the look of things and by the placement of chairs and movable objects nothing seemed reasonable or understandable. It wasn’t as if I could’ve done any of this. Believe or not, I respect the females too much to have caused any kind of damage and/or done anything highly immoral... I think. But to tell you the truth, there are thing that one discovers about the self when “not here” comes around. “Not here” is the moment when you just leave your body and venture into another realm that is completely strange to you and then wake up.
She was still sleeping. I decided to give up my search for glimpses of her existance and to just look at her for the rest of her resting time until she wakes up. Then, maybe, when she awakes and she could answer my unanswered questions, or just freak the fuck out and scream for help.
Asi que me acoste alado de ella, o lo que creo que fue alado de ella. Debido a que se encontraba acostada en una muy dispareja posicion. Mis pies quedaron en el aire pero mi cara estaba alado a la de ella. La podia observar a ella y a sus ojos cerrados con rimel corrido. Tal vez lloro, o simplemente fueron esas lagrimas que te salen cuando bostesas que corrieron el rimel y mancharon la sabana donde estaban postrada su cara.
Rapidamente observe todo su cuerpo por alguna señal de “violencia” nada mas... nada mas. No me considero una persona agresiva pero uno nunca sabe cuando uno “no esta ahi”.
Nada, su cuerpo era demasiado perfecto y sin ningun tipo de agresion. Entonces observe el mio, y no tube mas remedio que reirme. Si, no fui de los afortunados machos alfas, pansa chelera y aparte con lentes de casi ciego. En fin, me alegre y segui pensando que tal vez no fue fisico pero tal vez verbal mi agresion. Asi es, soy de esas personas que tiene que sobre pensar las cosas una y otra vez mas.

Ella seguia dormida. Ella, la que tenia todas las respuestas a mis preguntas estaba dormida aun. Segui recostado, observando su pelo negro que decendia en su cuello y sus hombros desnudos.

Who was she? That was the question, and why was I naked. Seguia observandola.
Then I remembered that after having a sexual encounter the part that does all the damage, or whatever, has got to be some how different, so I looked at it and inspected it. I couldn’t tell, maybe during the night I had gone to take a leak and cleaned up.
Holy shit, maybe I did had sex without protection and she was now pregnant. Who was going to take care of the kid? Should I arrange the marriage? Who were going to be our “padrinos”. I was having a panic attack and my chest quickly gained speed to the extreme point that the jumping became exageratedly noticeble. Then, a warm light brown skin hand softly landed on my chest!
Ah! I quickly turned my head towards her and her opened eyed.
Que tienes? She asked. Nada, por? Titubeantes y contartantes se expulsaron esas palabras de mi boca.
Rapidamente me incorpore, pero mi pecho seguia su curso y no el mio. No queria verme en panico, ni mucho menos con miedo ante una persona a la cual no conosco. Sostube mi respiracion hasta que el ataque de anciedad se contubo y recobre algo de ritmo de mi respiracion normal.
Y tu quien eres? No tarde nada en preguntarle mucho menos me temblo la voz, firmes y certeras fueron mis palabras. My words quickly traveled from my mouth to her ears and she slowly curved her lips into a vertical smile. No recuerdas? Me contesto. No sabia si volver al panico o adentrarme en un avismo de verguenza. Pero eso si, su voz era demasiado dulce para ser verdad. Es mas, su aliento era dulce y sus ojos eran hechos de un dulce cafe claro.
Ya en plan de “hemos quebrado el hielo y tambien la duda esa que tal vez te hice algo malo” le conteste con un “no recuerdo”. Soy demasiado franco y lo se, aveces ese no es un atractivo muy cautelador si no incomodo pero asi reaccione. “No, no recuerdo nada” le volvi a repetir.
Acorto los brazos y se deslizo para recargarse en la cabecera de la cama en ese cuarto apestoso de hotel. Yo le segui y me empeze a deslizar a su lado. La cruda lograba apasiguar esa sensacion de verguenza por estar desnudo pero aun asi y con toda esa resaca lloviznando sobre mi, en ratos, recordaba que no era un buen paisaje ni mucho menos una escultura romana. Me cubria mi dignidad pero necesitaba mis dos manos y brazos para deslizarme hacia donde ella estaba sentada. Todo quedo al descubierto y ella solo se reia. Me contajio su risa y no tarde nada en reirme con ella. De que? yo sabia de que, pero queria creer que era de nada.
“No, no recuerdo nada, ni tu nombre y ni mucho menos por que estamos aqui en pelotas los dos”, ya en forma graciosa le respondi.
“Well, where should I start?” she replied...

Texto agregado el 14-01-2012, y leído por 108 visitantes. (0 votos)

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