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lamento corromper las letras hispanas con inglés...pero cuando salen...son difíciles de parar...

Who told you?

Who told you about the moon
on why she`s always sad
even though the many stars
and the big Sun?

Who told you about her cries
and why everyday a bit she dies
and how her tears fill up the seas
of sorrow, loneliness, and salty tears?

the joke is on you
for nothing you really know
for no one really knows why she cries...

and on her sad eyes she once more saw
the sorrow she`s always known
and she tasted once more
the bitter tears she always pours

and her heart felt sad
and her soul wanted to cry
and so she did for a while or so
even though comfort she found none

and so she turned to writing again
to perhaps she´ll find some peace in them
but found herself still alone
and grieved deep in her soul

and so she realized as she always feared
that forever she will pour out those lonely tears
like the sky cries every year
her soul will forever freeze

no peace, no hope, no love
that`s how it will always be
that´s not fiction but something real
wheather or not you dare to believe...

Who knows why the moon cries every night
those lonely tears she pours out from her eyes
who knows why there`s sorrow in her soul
alll these things no one really knows...

lonely, lonely heart...why do you cry at night?

Texto agregado el 24-09-2011, y leído por 143 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
25-09-2011 No hay tos, al cabo no le entiendo nada. Ahi pa'lotra... malayo
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