Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / stefaniecg / I like


I like to thing I’m wrong, cause otherwise... I’ll never prove myself right nor get out of my mistake.
I like to ring my bicycle’s bell while riding on the street to say hi to other fellow bikers.
I like beauty, but the one that’s got nothing to do with physical looks.
I like to smile to strangers on the street, just to see their reaction.
I like when an image says more than a thousand words.
I like to call them “little colored pieces of paper”.
I like to question my thoughts, challenge them.
I like to disarm trough action, not argument.
I like to laugh out loud for no reason at all.
I like to have conversations with myself.
I like to carve my thoughts on paper.
I like to discover amazing strangers.
I like to paste posters on walls.
I like to listen to my thoughts.
I like to challenge paradigms.
I like to think out of the box.
I like to fight the windmills.
I like to moisturize my lips.
I like to breath and sweat.
I like to discover music.
I like to smell my face.
I like complicated.
I like knowledge.
I like to believe.
I like freedom.
I like to love.
I love to live.

yeah... that’s what i like.

Texto agregado el 18-08-2011, y leído por 127 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
18-08-2011 ¡Me gustas muñeca!¡También me gusta tu belleza! Házme un lugarcito. Sin conocerte sé que estás de rechupete, para que es más que la verdad. Y sobre todo cuando escribes en español. Sincerota, pulida, ojalá fueras mi musa, ya de perdis. malayo
18-08-2011 No puedes en español?, por fa? jagomez
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