Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I have been really sick since last Tuesday. On Wednesday, I developed a fever that rose to 104 degrees. I had chills, I was in pain, and I was burning up. Under normal circumstances, a person would go to a hospital because of something like this, not me! I had to stay home and ride it out! After my restless night where I only slept 1 and a half, I developed some sort of Lung infection. Congestion, Phlegm, Coughing, Crackles (which is a wheezing sound I make when I breathe in and out), Chest pain, Shortness of Breath and a swollen painful throat. Under normal circumstances, a person would have to admitted to a hospital to get exams done to determine what kind of decease he/she has, not me! I had to stay home and ride it out, even work so as to not affect my employment!

So what is it that I am supposed to do? Just die without any form of assistance? I cannot go to a doctor, I do not have Insurance to cover the cost of the emergency, I do not have a driver’s license that will allow me to get into my truck and drive, if I am given medication how can I get said medication if I do not have a driver’s license! Why is this so damn tough for us? Why is it that it is OK, for us to just fucking drop death? What the fuck is wrong with this picture? Basic needs cannot be so tough to attain. I hear the opposition complain about us getting entitlements while they don’t, who’s getting those entitlements? Because I sure as hell am not getting any of that! I cannot believe that any human being is ok with allowing this to happen to another group of people! Yes, I am fucking mad! I am barely gaining my voice, my throat is still sore, I am still spitting blood and my breathing is still crackled. Yes, I am getting better, but what happens next time?

This is a fucking stupid problem to have, but a problem nonetheless!

Texto agregado el 28-07-2011, y leído por 104 visitantes. (1 voto)

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28-07-2011 you are a fucking stupid problem inerr
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