Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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What would it take for others to listen?
What would it take for listeners to answer?
Am I unimportant, do I not matter?
Where would life have me, had I been born north of the Border?
Would I be flying planes in the Air Force?
An A-10 that was my dream plane growing up.
The Warthog was its name,
It was the ugliest thing on wings!
No one respected it, every one criticized it.
But when the enemy saw that huge cannon in the front,
Hiding into a bunker they would go,
No escaping the hog!

Would I be a father?
Would my daughter hug me and call me daddy?
Would I see her walking, growing up every day?
She is the greatest in the world, she I cannot do without.
Every smile, every tear, It is mine to keep.
I love her dearly My dream is hers to reach.
Every day I spend time with her I grow and yet,
I wish she never suffers not having me.
The prospect of not having her in my life scares me,
Living without her is not an option.
What to do?
Fight on, I must! With all my might, the show must go on!

Life is difficult but the dream is reachable.
There are many that are against us
But many more that support us!
Am I afraid that this will not go through?
I am not afraid of dead, I am not afraid of denial!
Life would be so much easier with the Dream
After all, dreaming does not cost a thing!
Dreaming is all we have!
Until the faithful day when our name is called
The Dream act passes, we all cheer!
Lives become better, we are no longer nomads!
We can call a country our own, the one we love.
We will make our parents proud, they will see
It was never laziness; it was not having a chance!
A chance to succeed, my life will be awesome indeed.
The Dream act will pass you will see
Tears of happiness it will bring.
Hugs from our supporters we will need.
And in ten to twenty years they will see,
That our Dreams will come true, amazing it seems!
The word is DREAMING, Dream
We will Dream forever and no one will wake us up!
Because this dream will be reality, you shall see,
Let’s make the Dream a reality, And you will see!

Texto agregado el 28-07-2011, y leído por 91 visitantes. (0 votos)

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20-09-2011 Titulo en español... Sólo pude leer eso.... Iré por otro. pithusa
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