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The Dream act is not dead, do not despair!
Listen to my words, the words of someone not dead in the air.
Life is tough. Here is my personal description of what it means,
To have the Dream act pass to make true all my dreams.
As a person who has been in the US for 20 years,
15 of which I have been waiting for my residence in tears,
I can tell you I have not been given anything, it hasn’t been easy.
When I broke 3 fingers playing football and could not get surgery
I let that repair itself it was agony!
When I damage nerves in my hip playing hockey,
I could not go to the hospital, what a mockery.
When I damage both rotator cuffs working at a warehouse
I did not cry as I was in agony, why did I listen to my mother’s spouse?

Back in school I dressed in JROTC uniform
While other kids made fun of me, I wanted to hit them but it was not my form.
I never did anything wrong thinking that one day I would serve my country,
My biggest dream was to serve in the military proudly.
I gained the highest honors in JROTC for cadets in the county, I was glad
I was part of national teams whose objective was to carry the U.S. flag.
I remember when Embry Riddle University showed interest in me
To join their engineer school and attend on a ROTC scholarship
When they asked me for my legal status and Social Security number,
That was the moment I realized I was an illegal alien, I was devastated!
When military recruiters saw my ASVAB test scores they wanted me to join
I had to tell them the reason I was passing, how awful. Like getting kicked in the groin!
I remember talking to two different recruiters, one from the NAVY one from the ARMY,
I took them to the immigration processing center, to see if I could receive an exemption
All I heard was I had to wait, nothing can be done, I was angry. What a deception!

Yes my dream to become a fighter pilot can no longer be.
My dream to serve in the Marine Corps is no more.
I still hold on to the dream that Maybe the US NAVY will accept me.
And yet I wait. I wait for the Dream act to pass. I am now 29 and this will benefit me.
People need to stop watching FOX news and listening to Rush Limbaugh and others,
And realize that there are tons of people with tons of potential that deserve a chance.
A chance to show that potential, I deserve that chance!

Through this tribulation, I know there’s time to learn
I have faith in the Lord I know his time I have earned
Through this hardship I’m still in his presence
He is with me even while I finish this sentence
I am healthy, I have a job and I am flattered
In times like this he has not faltered
I can feed my daughter, there’s money for gifts
This past Christmas, the first with my daughter, that is my gift
I hope you read this and get a glimpse,
Of what my life is every day, every day I wait!
I have exhausted my fight to stay in the country I love
The country I call my own.
I support the Dream act. My Dream act!

Texto agregado el 28-07-2011, y leído por 147 visitantes. (0 votos)

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