Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I get really sick and tired of people up in my face, pick up lines like "What's your sign" won't get you anyplace. Cause this body is a priceless piece of loving unconditionally.


I’ve got to know you, as well as you did. And as today, I’ve noticed you don’t give a shit about me, and that’s why, neither do I. So, if you do nothing, this is a goodbye.


I’ll let you know it ain’t easy, it’s time to be greedy, nothing good comes for free. I ain’t your toy, or your piece of ass. So who you think you are?


You disappoint me, and all your promises, all your future thoughts of nothing, all your fake “I’ll be there”, can go to hell. You can go and burn.


And If you wanna come back, you gotta do it as a nuclear bomb, throwing your arms around me tight; if you don’t wanna do it that way, then go to the frontline and fight.


I try to discover a little something to make me sweeter, but sugar, I’m so sweet. From now on, I don’t need anybody, but me.



Texto agregado el 12-07-2011, y leído por 179 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
13-07-2011 What do you want? Candys? you are so strong drdeseo
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