Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / blank / lies no lay


the opalescent truth
climbed forward the tallest mountain
it's going no were, everywere
going down in its endless idolatry

the raven teared apart its eyes
and seems to be just chilled
madness, it's just a luxury
he can't afford

suspense, and shame is coming out
from his mouth, his ears, his nouse
thumbs up! fuck up!

no face, but big back
and the anti-opalescent embassy crushed
lies no lay

thumbs up! fuck up!
thumbs down!
hip hip au revoir

Texto agregado el 16-07-2004, y leído por 128 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
18-07-2004 Muy, muy, muy bueno! Esto es arte bilingue, arte de calidad. Ciclo
16-07-2004 Booo... llenás la página principal de carambadas, y peor en inglés. La poesía sólo es sabrosa en las lenguas romance, viejo. Desleal
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