Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Though the topic in question is different very differently, let's take as image, a rider to horses meeting on the whip, in the anca of the animal, in order that this one increases the speed.
Good good, the will can be handled hereby, meeting on a rope on the loin of the animal, stimulating to the body in order that it strains furthermore.
There are great the times that we are tired and give ourselves spirit to follow with the task that we come developing. I clarify that saying this that I am not sorry to have invented anything, simply I want to stand out, this mechanism of expression especially that it can change as it let's programme.


Texto agregado el 09-05-2011, y leído por 164 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
09-05-2011 No sé, pero me parece que aqui en esta pagina muchos no hablan ingles y mucho menos leerlo, ademas la pagina es en español y por respeto a ello deberias de poner esto en español y hablar de tu caballo en fuera de tiempo. Un abrazo y perdon por el comentario. sigfrido
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