Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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The life divides in different topics, million topics exist, but out of it us there is any more nothing. Or you erase everything and begin again, and certainly it chooses something that makes you happy.
Personally, for every topic that exists in my, I have something to think or to say, but not much more than this. Then what I try to do is to make a visit to every subject matter and to enjoy a demurrage there, more then to move back temporarily, so then I have to return to live again through another experience in the same subject matter.
I am called him the theatre a subject matter, to the football, the cinema, the philosophy, the love, the religion, the kitchen, the repair of computers, the creation of web sites.
For suppositions that some subject matters wake major passion up in my, but anyhow I remain a time and finished the space I move back, to get into another question and so on.
Beside living through the life we must take part in the construction of a happy world.
The intelligence is a gift, a virtue, which it is necessary to be able to exploit, be able to develop, not to the speed of a beam, slowly we are constructing the most difficult thing, but let's not lose of dress at all, let's dedicate a time of attention to every thing that we touch, that joins our soul, in the inspiration. The idea moves to the action and this one demonstrates. Not always it is good to have ideas, sometimes it is necessary to be able to enjoy the moment and nothing more, allow that the heart should indicate us where one finds the way.

Texto agregado el 09-05-2011, y leído por 177 visitantes. (0 votos)

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